Part 1

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"May I have this dance?" Inquires Loki sheepishly as he extends a slender pale hand.
Sif regards him wearily while a deep crimson snakes it's way up her already flushed face.
"Oh alright, just don't trample upon my feet, and I have a great deal of combat training tomorrow to attend to." She says with an air of all the nonchalance that she can possibly muster, upon being confronted by her deeply admire love interest.
Sif carefully placed a calluses hand into Loki's soft one, and feels an immediate chill course through her warm body. She glances up into his eyes of precious emerald from the forges of Mt. Doom , and finds herself lost in his unwavering gaze. Loki regards her with relish as he skillfully guides her to the center of the ballroom.
"Although I must say that I am not one for much dancing..." She awkwardly casts her dark eyes to the marble floors, and then flicks them back up to his.
Loki chuckles softly a he places a hand on the curve of her waist and the other squeezes her hand tauntingly.
"Oh, I'm quite sure that you've had enough practice during combat since you fight like a feminine Thor, although I must say that you look much more ravishing my mother's draped than my brother ever did." Loki waggles his eyebrow at her while his eyes gleam with mischief.
Sid gives him her legendary death glare that makes even the mightiest of frost giants cower in fear, while she punches him in the arm with her free hand.
"We'll just see about that, now won't we?" She declares while placing a hand on his broad shoulder and begins to lead in the dance.
The music being played is upbeat and gives off a saucy atmosphere to the columned ball room cast in the shadows of the chandeliers hanging from the domed ceilings. The couple weaves in and out of the people, lost in a world of ecstasy that they have created amongst themselves. Loki spins her slowly an deliberately , while Sif carefully guides her body to the beat of the music and finds herself wrapped in his embrace. As the music gets louder and more frantic, the two of them speed up this dance battle and take up the entire dance floor. The dull chatter of the crowd slowly dwindles down to nothing as they watch them dance reverently as one.
The song reaches its climax as Loki eases Sif into a low dip. Try gaze at one another for a few seconds as they regain their composure. With heaving chests and bodies drenched with perspiration, Loki brings her back up in one swift motion as the song continues on. They are so consumed with one another that they do not notice the arrival of Thor and the air of fury that he bears in his wake. The crowd brakes to let him thru, but the couple remains oblivious. The song ends on a dramatic note and Loki spins Sif in the air and holds her body against his as their foreheads press together. They mask in one another's presence as their breathing intertwines.

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