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The sounds of the sirens slowly became distant.
The strong scent of antiseptic dissipating from her nose.

Then a loud beep.

The lights slowly became a brighter white tone, it couldn't be called a light from how bright it was.

The sound of a music box rewinding.
Cold wind and the sounds of swirling gusts.

She gasped for air once again and sat up.
Her head felt heavy and hurt. She placed her hand against her forehead.

She forced herself to open her eyes.

'What is this place?'

Her eyes scanned around the room.

She was laying in a large bed, it was possibly a king size just from what she imagined. She didn't know that well since she always slept on a Twin sized bed in her dorm.

It had multiple layers of blankets and she was underneath all of them. She was extremely hot. The white night gown she was wearing was made of a very soft silk, it was soaked in her sweat.

She sat up and placed her back against the headboard. She gasped seeing it was adorned with gold and jewels. This place was like those medieval shows she watched in her free time after work.

The Pillow was thick but soft as well. A feather popped out of its side. She touched the blankets.
The top layer was a blanket made of felt. She touched it again just to make sure.

Felt curtains over her head. It was a canopy bed.

On the roof painting of angels and a face she didn't recognize. Possibly the royalty of wherever she was.

All she remembered was getting off a rough day at work..then on her way home she was hit by a truck. She remembered getting picked up by the ambulance and slowly her pain left into a white light.

'I must've died back there. But what is this place? It can't be heaven i know I'm alive I can feel my heart beating, and I'm sweating..'

Two wooden chairs in front of her bed as if there was someone who sat there to watch over her.

She reached towards the mirror and stared at her reflection.

'It's still me, I have my (y/n colored hair) (y/n colored eyes) and (y/n distance face features)'

She placed it down when she jumped as the large wooden door opened.

A maid walked in carrying a bucket of water and towels. The maid glanced at her and froze in place.

She gasped and dropped the bucket.

"Milady has woken from the death slumber!!!" She ran to her side and grasped her hand.

"Milady, Miss Y/n Daughter of Duke l/n."

'Is that the name of who I am in this world?? For now I should play along'

"Milady?? Do you not remember me?" The maid asked wiping the sweat off her face.

"I'm sorry...I-I can't seem to remember who I am, who are you, or where am I? What happened?" I asked.

' if I want to live in this world..it's best to play as an amnesiac. Usually that works out in these kind of situations...or so I've read in novels when I was alive and living in earth.'

The maid gasped and tears swelled up in her eyes.
"You really can't remember me! You never talk to me..your name is Y/n. You're the daughter of the Grand duke L/n. You are in the Kingdom of the Rain."

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