Kayla Karla's Party

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[ Authors Note : Just warning you here , there's sexual parts coming up , and even the use of marijuana , so if you want to read , you need to be mature enough . Enjoy ! ]

Noah's POV

Today was the party . All my friends were talking about it , and they told me to come . Kate even told me yesterday afternoon . I guess I was gonna go because she was going .
Kate came home around 3:00pm . She told me to drop Elise off at Melody's house . Melody's 12 year old sister and Elise were best friends . They would have a sleepover while Kate and I were partying . I dropped her off , and came back home quickly . The party would start at 8:00 . We had plenty of time to get ready . I chose what I would wear , and so did Kate . We ate dinner around 6:00pm , and sat on the couch to watch Adventure Time . It was one of those weird cartoons that Kate loves . I didn't mind , but yeah . After 5 episodes , it was 7:00pm . I got dressed and so did Kate . She put on mascara and a floral reddish pink crop top with black tights . I just wore black jeans and a flannel . We were early to the party . It's now 7:40pm . We met up with Kate's friends ; Alex , Summer , & Melody . By 8:30 , TONS of people already arrived . The music was blasting , and Kate and I danced away . I had a couple drinks , but I didn't want to get wasted . Kate said " I want to do it again .. we haven't done it in so long " she said . Sex . We haven't had sex in 3 months . It was because I didn't think about it . I mean yeah I did touch her down there a few times but haven't fucked her in a while . I don't know if it's a really good time because although I was in for it , I wasn't horny enough . " Well we could do it in a while , just , just hold on .. " I yelled . The music was extremely loud , and I know nobody could really hear me except Kate . I extensively grabbed a new beer can , and gulped most of it down . Kate just stared at me with a face that said ' really ? ' . I sheepishly grinned , looking at her eyes directly . I loved the blue colour that spiced up , with a hint of gold around the pupil . They made me smile all the time . I was so deeply in love , that every time anyone would mention her name I would smile and my cheeks would flare up with pink . Anyone could tell that I wouldn't let someone like her go , they just knew that it was someone worth keeping in their trickled little minds . I looked around , and people were grinding on others , which I find nasty because it doesn't feel like love . I thought about the thing Kate said , and decided I could do it now . " Kate .. we could .. now . I'm okay with it , just needed a little time to think " I say . " Okay let's go upstairs and into one of the rooms " I say . Kate and I wobble upstairs , because we were both a little tipsy . The support of one another kept us from falling , if we ever did . I decided we could go into one of the rooms beside the bathroom because it had a lock and nobody was in it at the moment , which gave us time alone . We walked in , and she closed the door , turning the brass lock . We checked the whole room , to see if any weirdo was in to watch and fap to this . Thankfully , nobody was in here , we guessed . She was lying on the bed , and I tickled her neck , and slowly kissed it . She bit her lip , looking down at my pants , and looked back up at my eyes . I got what she was motioning for , and I kissed her passionately , teasing her a bit . She moaned , and i took off her crop top , and she pulled her pants down on her own . We threw it off the bed , leaving it so it wouldn't get in our way during intercourse . She was left in her lingerie , and she took off my pants so I was just in my boxers . I kissed her lip , pulling away with her scent . I slipped her lingerie off , and she took off my boxers , looking at how long my dick is , and she just stared , because it was 8 inches and thick as hell , but when hard , don't get me started , 10 inches . I put the tip at the pussy , and started thrusting , slowly at first . She moaned , and I went faster but not harder , since I was careful of these things . I kept going and pumping in , each thrust everlasting pleasureful intercourse . She started making these noises like it hurt . But she said it was pleasure , it felt so good . She got off of me , holding her pussy , and she squirted in the sheets . I started fingering her and licking her pussy , and I just thought ' she tastes so good ...' . I fuck her again , and we both hit the climax at the same time . After we finish , we get dressed and head downstairs out onto the patio , where barely anyone was unless it was the pool . One of my friends , Sin , offered me a blunt . I took it , and shared it with Kate . She coughed , but kept inhaling and exhaling . " This is weird .. It just tastes so disgusting " she says . " Don't worry , you'll get used to it " I say . I've had weed before , but never smoking 5 months back . None of this was new to me .  " Aye Hun , it's something you gotta get used to " Sin says . We chat a little more until I realized It was 2:00am and Kate was tired . I told her we could leave now . We grabbed our sweaters and headed home . When we got home , I lied in bed with Kate , and we smiled at each other , as I brushed her hair with my hands . She cuddled with me and I said " I love you " but she was asleep . Things were okay ..

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