Ch 1: Bye-Bye

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Zayn POV

I stand in the doorway admiring my beautiful husband, Louis as he fiddles with his striped shirt, trying to perfect his appearance. He didn't need to... He already was perfect. I lightly step across the room, snaking my arms around his lean waist and press a kiss to his soft cheek. He chuckles gently and leans the top of his head against my jaw. I stare in the mirror fondly at the obvious height difference between the two of us, I loved how small he was compared to my six foot stature. I had to hunch over slightly to rest my chin on his shoulder, he hated how short he was but I found it endearing that I was the big spoon and he the little spoon.

Louis narrows his eyes at his reflection, biting his lip in slight distaste. I hold his hands away from his sides, knowing he would try to pull at the nonexistent 'fat'. He'd always been a bit insecure about himself and I could never see why. I've always thought he was the most beautiful human being I have ever laid eyes on.

"You look gorgeous, love." I murmur into his ear sweetly. Louis blushes lightly and turns in my hold hiding his face in my chest, nuzzling his nose into my shirt.

"Stop..." He whines, smacking his forehead against my muscular chest. I chuckle lightly, slipping my hands underneath his shirt to trace his curves that drove me wild beyond belief along with his pale, silky smooth skin that was a perfect target for love bites.

"Sorry but you are, so beautiful..." I kiss his forehead softly when he looks up with me, attempting to fight a smile that I could only force onto his face. His eyes crinkle at the sides just the way I love and he hums in denial with an amused shake of his head.

"As much as I love this and you, we have to get going." He reminds with a sigh and then short peck to my lips. I whine wanting more, always wanting more of my addiction that is Louis, yet I follow him out of our home to our black Jeep. I slip into the scalding, black leather, driver's seat and immediately start the car and its AC when the faint droplet of perspiration glides ever so smoothly down the olive skin of my neck. This August has been a blistering and record setting month along with its vicious afternoon and nighttime thunderstorms.

I pull from the driveway carefully and out of the neighborhood to begin the fifteen minute drive to the adoption center, my left hand rested across Louis's plump thigh while the radio plays in the background and the vents rattle as the cool air pumps out.

I chew my lip while I find myself thinking back on the years we've been together as we head to the next step of our marriage and life together. The first year of our marriage was easy and peaceful, we were content with just us but the second year grew a bit repetitive and boring, so we started kicking around the idea of possibly starting a family. There was only one problem with that, adoption or surrogacy? Louis and I had our share of simple and nasty fights over the next three years. We nearly divorced once or twice, had our fair share of sleeping separately even, but we finally came together to agree that our kids would share all our blood or none of it and even if they weren't biologically ours we'd love them just as if they were. My reminiscing of the strenuous memories is interrupted by the familiar touch of slender, soft fingers threading through mine.

Louis nervously plays with my fingers and chew his lip as we hold hands over the center console. I swing a right turn into the parking lot of the building, parking by the sidewalk leading up to the stone covered, two story building. It was like a cozy cottage where an old, retired couple would live, you'd never guess that a herd of children lived in there. Louis's teeth clamp down onto his bottom lip while his thoughts race throughout his usually overthinking mind. I shift in my seat to turn toward him.

"Hey..." My hand finds its way to his cheek and he looks to me with nervous and terrified, watery blue eyes. The same eyes I've been in love with ever since I saw them. "We're ready for this, Lou. I know it." I reassure, he nods a few tears slipping and I thumb them away gently.

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