GrantxEddie- Just Bestfriends

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Ayo this is my first fan fic so please bear with it, i will be trying smut and that shit. I have gone too far into the rabbit hole so yeah...

Grant's POV:

I looked at Eddie, so sweetly sitting on the passenger seat of my car. He really made me happy, in ways that I don't think is normal. He is my best friend though, I shouldn't even dream about taking it farther, plus he would never like me. You know you want to~ That stupid fucking voice said, I can't escape it's grasp. "Hey Eddie, when we get home let's order pizza man," I said. He turned to me and said "It's 12:56 in the fucking morning dawg! U sure?" I looked at him and smiled a little. The butterflies in my stomach swirled around, they wanted out, to land on his face, to make him mine. "You bet your bippy I am," I said in my narrator voice. Eddie laughed and we made smalltalk, I didn't want to pay attention to the road, I wanted to look at his Mexican ass and kiss his soft lips. I. Am. Not. Gay. Though. Yes you are stupid bitch, tell him!~ NO! I need to fight that feeling, it is nothing but trouble. I'll just end up ruining the great relationship I made with him, and that is the last thing I want, especially now. We pulled into my driveway and I offered to help him carry his things into my place, "Thanks man, I'd appreciate it!" He said blushing a bit. Awww, how darling~ No, No, NO I am NOT falling for Eddie... Or not.

As I went to the trunk of the car, his hand brushed my thigh. I looked at him and I saw a small glimpse of 'Yes, fall for me~' but I'm unsure of it, and now I got a huge boner. I don't get much more desperate than that!

Eddie's POV:

Well that worked, as my hand brushed his thigh he quivered a bit. Was he surprised? Boy this is going to be fun~ I have a huge crush on Grant, I don't think he likes me, but I am hopeful. After all, I am dropping every hint ever! "Uhhh.. Sorry," He said a few long and tense moments later, "Why the fuck are you apologizing?" I ask as I walk up to the front door. He slammed the trunk shut. Those muscles~ Oh shit, I think I just pitched one. Oh well, there's always youtube.

"Fuck..." Grant muttered, "What's up dawg? Changed your mind on the pizza?" I ask. "I totally spaced that I don't have a guest room, man I am so sorry... You can sleep in my bed if you want. I'll sleep on the couch," he said. I smirked, I walked up to him and took the bag he was holding out of his hand and moved my face only inches from his "Oh? Well then, you must have some serious trust in me?" I said, "I- Uh- Okay," He said. "I'm still ordering the fucking pizza tho!" Grant said as he playfully pushed me away. I vowed to savor that mole ant in amber, there I was inches away from his lips~ Grant's lips~ I took my bag to his room and took the bottle of (Insert heavy achahol) and swished it around, his favorite drink! Hopefully we don't drink the entire thing tonight.

Grant's POV:

What the hell just happened? Eddie is straight, right? Why the fuck was he only a bit from my lips? I don't understand anymore... I dialed the pizza number and ordered(Insert two pizzas) and hung up. Shortly after Eddie walked through the door and set down my favorite drink (Insert drink name), fuck... "Look at what I got you~" Eddie said, I went over to the drink and grabbed it and turned it over in my hands and awed at it, "I haven't had this in so fucking long bro, thanks," I said.

*This is the time skip bc they talk about random shii b4 the pizza be there*

The pizza box as warm in my hands, warm like my heart. Did Eddie like me? I set the box down and marveled at it, but only for a second because Eddies savage ass opened the box and dove in. "So Eddie what do you want to do?" I asked. I didn't think there was much to do at my place. "Let's play Mariocart and whoever loses takes a shot of vodka," He said with a mischievous grin. "Count me in!" I said. As we ate pizza I couldn't help but stare at Eddie, he is so cute when he is happy, I just wish he felt the same for me...

GrantxEddie Just bestfriendsWhere stories live. Discover now