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He ran.
He ran until his legs felt like steel, until his lungs burned for air. He sprinted through the alleyways, dodging every dumpster, jumping over every metal fence. The adrenaline coursed through his veins and his heart was beating faster than ever before.

He felt the wind ruffling his hair and the light pattering of raindrops on his face. He heard the sound his boots would make every time he ran through a puddle, the sounds of sirens and the distant shouting of police men hollering for him to stop.

Of course, stopping was definitely not one of his intentions. He had taken an adoration in the thrill of breaking the rules, loving the feeling he'd get in his stomach when the cops came close.

He sighted the old building in the corner of his eye and quickened his pace once more, losing the authorities behind him, before disappearing into the abandoned apartment complex.

Climbing the stairs and silently striding through the halls, he stopped at the chipped, worn door with "107" printed onto it. He walked in, dropping his rucksack with a creak of the floor, awaiting for the voice that never failed to place a smile onto his face.

Okay soo this is my first time writing anything in this case, so yeah it's probably gonna be bad but feel free to comment and vote or whatever. Not too sure where this is gonna go but I figured I might as well make a start to it so here it is(: (it's really short too, this is more of a tester thingy so ill
see where it goes from here tbh ) hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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