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NEZUKO KNEW SOMETHING WAS AFOOT WITH THE ENTIRE SITUATION. Demons, suddenly appearing in almost every nook and cranny of a crowded city? She could partially tell that this was a trap, but couldn't find any evidence to prove it. What she did have, however, was someone to talk to.

   Zenitsu was very kind and patient now, and she would often tell him about suspicions or mission reports she had. He would always listen intently, especially if it concerned something about the Tokyo metropolitan area they were currently patrolling, along with other Tsuchinotos and Mizunotos.

   "I can feel it, Zenitsu," Nezuko confessed one night, while the team had retreated for the day at a cheap hotel. "It's a trap. They want to lure out something somehow. I don't know. . .am I overthinking this?"

   Zenitsu put his hands on each of her shoulders, his tall height looking down at her figure. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, and she slightly gulped at the intense stare. "Nezuko-chan. Listen to me. I believe you, okay? I've been suspecting that too. You're not crazy."

   Nezuko felt butterflies erupt in her stomach, and she pulled the end of the Thunder Hashira's haori sleeve. She nestled herself in a hug, wrapping her small arms around his torso. This seemed to shock Zenitsu for a moment, but he complied.

   Zenitsu cradled her pigtailed head, humming slightly. "Now, go get some rest. I'll get the Tsuchinotos and we'll go around for a daytime shift. I want you to take a nap comfortably like before, got it?"

   By the word 'before', Nezuko knew he was talking about the years when she had been a demon. And it was true, Nezuko's naps were very relaxing and recharged her a lot. Hell, it even became her life support as a demon who didn't eat humans.

   "Okay," Nezuko answered quietly, her orange-tipped pigtails swishing with a breeze that passed by so randomly. It had a weird atmosphere, one that the Kamado didn't fail to detect.

   "I'LL BE ASSIGNING YOU AND MUICHIRO A MISSION," Kiriya said as soon as he had called Mila and the Mist Hashira. Mila tilted her head, confused. Why was he the one to be her partner? Didn't Kiriya know the history between them and that leaving them alone together would only make awkward situations? It was either that, or he really did not give a shit. "You are to go to the border of Nagasaki, and patrol. I've been receiving reports from the crows that demons were trying to cross over from neighboring places."

"Cross over?" Mila said. "What do you mean 'cross over', Kiriya-sama?"

"I mean exactly what you think I mean, Mila-san," Kiriya responded, a serious look taking over his kind features. "We can't rest easy now, especially since the demons are coming from the far-away lands of Japan. We have to get moving before they manage to reach other countries."

Mila bit her lip, deciding to handle this professionally. She would not let her emotions get the best of her when she was being assigned such an important task. "We accept, Kiriya-sama. Won't we, Tokitou-san?"

Muichiro looked at Mila strangely. He was surprised at the sudden formality. "Uh, yes, we accept. Kiriya-sama."

"Wonderful. Thank you and you are both dismissed."

TSUBAKI WATCHED HER MOM PACK, a tinge of worry creasing her face. The child knew her mother was strong—hell, she was a part of the strongest in the Demon Slayer Corps! Tsubaki didn't doubt her mother's skills, but what worried her was him.

Tsubaki was no genius, but it didn't take a genius to figure out what would happen. Tokitou-san will probably be brave enough to kiss Mama on the spot the second they go out of our sight!

"Mama, good luck! Here, Aunt Mitsuri gave us a lucky charm, and she asked us to let you borrow it whenever you go on missions!" Typical Hiro, Tsubaki thought, rolling her eyes at her twin. He wasn't batting an eyelash at any of this.

"Tsubaki? Are you okay?" Mila suddenly asked, and the said child snapped out of her daze, perfecting a look of worry in a half-second.

"Be. . .be sure to kick the demon's butt, Mama!" Tsubaki stammered, a part of her cringing. "You're strong enough to do that, right?"

To her relief, Mila laughed and patted her soft brown hair. "Of course. I promise I'll come back safe."

"You better!"

MUICHIRO TOOK A GLANCE AT MILA. They were currently riding the train to Nagasaki, and from there they would venture on foot. They had no idea how long this mission would last, but Muichiro wanted to get it over and done with, partly because he feared his own self-control.

When he looked at Kanata Mila, he saw a young girl with black hair and jade eyes, and he easily tagged her as the Love Hashira's tsuguko. Kanata Mila was the girl he had fallen for, and the girl who returned his feelings.

Looking at Hanazuwa Mila, he saw the new Love Hashira, mother of twins, and the woman he could never have.

There was a huge difference.

The cold wind slapped against his cheek, and he pulled his long baggy sleeves down to cover the backs of his hands. It was probably almost winter, but Muichiro couldn't remember since he still had the tendency to forget things.

Mila noticed Muichiro trying to warm up, and she giggled quietly. A grown man looking like a bunny? That would be Tokitou Muichiro. She took out a couple of mittens from her backpack and helped Muichiro slip them into his fingers.

"Better?" When Muichiro nodded, Mila exhaled in relief. Yet another act of kindness completed. "We'll reach Nagasaki in a day and a half, yes?"

"Mm, I think. Should we get going inside, or do we enjoy the view out here first?"

Mila shook her head and opened the train door, beckoning for Muichiro to follow her. The car they entered was nearly empty, save for the elderly woman sleeping and a couple eating their to-go dinner.

We would've been like that, was a thought that popped up in Muichiro's head the first time he saw the couple happily interacting and bonding over food, without a care for the world.

Mila sat down in a booth and noticed that Muichiro was still standing. So she tugged at the hem of his sleeve, forcing his attention towards her.

"Come on. Sit with me."

Muichiro did so, and he stared outside the window. Everything outside was a blur, just like how his thoughts and feelings were towards the married woman in front of him.

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