Chapter 22

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Sira's eyes roamed out the window of the taxi in which she was, despite the late hour. She had waited for Taehyung to get home after Jimin's call but after the clock ticked 1 AM and he was nowhere to be found, she couldn't help but grow worried and start calling and texting him. Calls that he never picked up and texted to which he never replied.

The place was no longer holding her, just as her mind was not able to hold all the thoughts that started torturing her second by second more. What could have possibly happened to him? She had stopped herself from calling Jimin again as she didn't want to worry him at this late hour nor she wanted to worry you and ruin your sleep, so she ended up doing something she had originally claimed that she would not do. Taehyung had linked their phones together, so they would be both able to tell each other location no matter where they were to go. In the beginning, she had claimed that there was no need for it and she probably would never have the need to use it, but it proved to be very helpful in this time of distress.

After calling a taxi and hopping on it, heading for Taehyung's house, where he seemed to have gone, she couldn't help but look out the window, hoping to reach him the faster she could.

The fact that he had not returned to the apartment that the two shared, however, had left a bitter taste in her mouth as well as an understanding of the fact that he probably wanted to be alone.

The driver finally pulled over at the front of his house and she rushed to pay him before stepping out of the vehicle. Her feet sped up towards his doorstep, not turning to spare a glance to the driver who drove off into the night soon after. Sira knocked on his door twice with her palm, then got reminded that the bell existed so she pressed that too, one to two times. It was difficult for her to keep her hands to herself as she waited outside, looking towards the door and hoping for it to open for her, however, seconds ticked away and such a thing did not happen.

She took some steps back and started looking towards the windows, hoping to see any light coming, but no matter how much she paced around she saw nothing, thing that made her pull out her phone and check once more if his whereabouts was correct. After she did so, she approached at his door again, and placed her palm against the wooden texture, her eyes looking at the screen of her phone that displayed that his phone was right where she was.

"Taehyung...are you there?" She spoke up however she took no reply as Taehyung who was at the other side of the door, seated at the floor and curled up in a ball, was not willing to speak.

He was surprised that she had come all this way for him but he didn't want her to be there right that instant for he had nothing positive to give her at that moment and he knew that if she was to see him like this, she would definitely get sad. He didn't want to burden her emotions in any way nor affect her mood, just because he had gotten downhill. To not mention that he had nothing to say to justify his sadness. Or better said, he had too many and he was uncertain if speaking of them would change anything, to begin with.

"Talk to me...please." He heard her sweet voice asking of him and he couldn't help but bring up his head and let it lean against the door, imagining her worried facial expression.

"I am sorry...I didn't mean to make you worry...I am okay." He found himself replying before he got the chance to think against that action as the thought only of making her worry more, somehow made him feel worse than he was.

"Please open the door and let's talk about it. Whatever it may be-"

"I will handle it alone. Don't worry about me. I am okay." He cut her sentence, in an attempt to protect her from the dark thoughts and heavy feelings he was carrying.

Silence fell for a bit among them, as Sira proceeded to take her seat at his doorstep, letting her back lean against it as her eyes roamed at the night sky till she left a smile to rest on her lips.

"You know, these are the moments that can make us come closer...I may not be much of help but...I am here. I will wait for whenever you feel ready to let me in your walls. However, I hope you knew can trust me no matter what."

Her tone of voice managed to make Taehyung's face morph in sadness, at the thought only that he had made her feel left out. That was not what he was trying to do in the slightest. He just believed that his emotions where too much for anyone else to handle and he was used to closing on himself whenever rough times would come for him. He never had anyone willing to really know his pain or so it had seemed to him. But now, she was right there and the reason she couldn't reach him was not her will but it was him, himself. He had closed the door for her or anyone else. He was the one who was not being open to receiving comfort and love, even though he needed it and wanted it. Why was he doing this to himself?

"Someday, I will be important enough, right? Someone that could break these walls, even when you are not willing to pull them down for me. Sounds like I will have to start exercising to build some muscles." She added, laughing a bit at her own words which she intentionally made them sound funny, in order to make herself feel less like a loser. A feeling that made her chest filled with heaviness and her smile to falter.

Taehyung couldn't help but stand up and open the door, startling her a bit at the sudden action but as soon as she turned around, she was faced with a Taehyung that had two red eyes and messed up hair. A Taehyung, who shove himself in her embrace as he kneeled down and took hold of her body tightly, whispering to her that he was sorry. His voice delicate and weak, repeating the same phrase as he stole from her a bit of her warmth.

Sira wrapped her hands around him quickly, holding him as reassuringly as she could. Her lips kissing on his head once or twice, in an endearing manner. "It's all good. It's alright. I am here, you aren't alone. I got you." She murmured to him and Taehyung couldn't help but smile warmly at the fact that she existed and she was his. He felt too blessed all of a sudden, among his hectic painful thoughts. Among the fear that had taken over him and had cornered him along with the guilt that had taken a good grasp of his soul. She felt like a blessing, no matter if he deserved her or not and he couldn't help but think at that moment that he wanted to keep her forever. No matter how closed off, he gets, and in what dark corners he ends up, he truly wished that she would always be able to reach for him like this.

Even though he realized well that it was he who had to take her hand. It was him who had to learn how to not fear showing his vulnerabilities. It was him who should never let her wait alone behind a wall and worry for him till he gets to her. It was him who was in the wrong tonight and as such apologetic towards her.

"I love you. I really love you" He admitted as he kept holding tightly onto her and Sira couldn't help but smile a bit at his statement before she managed to push him off of her slowly and meet his eyes.

"You better, otherwise I will go back to my teddy bear." She threatened as she left her lips pecked his softly and lightly. Words and actions that made Taehyung feel lighter.

"Don't blame me if you one day, return home and find him being baked in the over. Just saying." Sira gave gasped at his remark, before hitting him a bit on the side of his arm. Her face looked ready to start ranting to him to not even dare think of doing such a thing to her beloved plushy but he didn't give her the chance to speak, as he leaned in for a proper kiss. One which he showcased well his prior statement and how deeply he meant it.

"Come inside. Let's talk." 

---To be continued...

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