While TPTW reminds me of the season of winter, TGTF reminds me of autumn. The leaves on the trees are golden, and everything seems to change so quickly. My novel to tie the remaining strings I left from TPTW has become a novel about change. From second love interests to complete characters, Carl and Vivi have obviously gone through a lot. I wanted to write about the aftermath of the spring of youth. The whirlwind romances quiet down to arguments and solemn reflections. Getting to truly discover what a person is like is a messy and terrifying experience. But I'd argue that it's worth it.
These characters are all fictional, but it was a wonderful experience getting to know them. For me, at least.
How about you? Do you feel the human between the lines?
The Gold and the Forest
Teen FictionThe Gold, the missing things we look for insistently. We need them to adorn our soul, to light up the hazy days. A beautiful spin through the garden of youth, and the roses have dried blood on their thorns. The Forest, the trek deeper into the mind...