Chapter 1

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Alone sat the blond boy with his back rested on the wall behind him. It was amazing really just how much had gone wrong that week, how he could be at the top of the world one moment and the complete opposite just a moment later. Kenny would lie about what happened if you asked him, that was just the way he was.

His long thin fingers gently tugged at the frayed strings Attached to his old orange parka. 'Why did it have to be so damn cold?' he thought bitterly to himself pulling a pack of cigarettes out of an orange jacket pocket.

Lighting up he let a deep breath fog up the air around him. The smoke welled up and then seemed to drift aimlessly out of eye sight. What was he to do about anything anymore. Butters had rejected him and nothing he could do or say could change that now. Kenny had never rejected anyone before, he was game for just about anything with just about anyone. It was rare that anyone rejected him, so rare in fact he hadn't even thought it would have been a possibility when he asked.

He sat on the ground taking drags of his cancer stick every other 30-54 seconds allowing the calming presence of nicotine to transport him to a place of strangely comfortable nostalgia.

His father smoked

His mother did too

As did his brother

And now him.

Truthfully he had always seen himself following in his family's misguided footsteps, something about the way he lived just gave it away. Kenny however never really minded, dying constantly he could really care less about his own skin, smoking won't do to much damage if you get a new set of lungs twice a week. So he figured 'fuck it' and delighted in his numerous bad habits.

Maybe his bad habits were what turned the blond stuttering blue clad boy off? Nope it was what was in his pants, butters was unbelievably straight. He Didn't see that coming, but then again hell who did?! Butters of all people was straight and Kenny was what ever Kenny felt like at the time...try Kenny-sexual.

Lost deep in thought he didn't notice a familiar head of red hair shoved down under an old green hat approach. Kyle however watched his friend intently. He coughed getting the blondes attention and Kenny looked up meeting a pair of green eyes and a face full of freckles.

"Hey" the red head muttered kicking at his old black converse. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets and kenny couldn't tell if he was blushing or if the pink tint to his cheeks was just from the cold air. Whatever it was Kenny decided it was cute. It fit him.

"I said hey" he spoke again as kenny had yet to respond. The hooded boy tilted his head and a playful smirk danced across his lips.

"Why hello to you too...Why aren't you in class?"Kenny shot him a look and Kyle shrugged.

"FatAss was bothering me...can I sit?" Kyle pointed to the spot beside Kenny and the blonde nodded.

The red head allowed his body to drop onto the cold cement, dry thanks to an over hang on the schools side.

"So what did cartman do now?"

"He was just being himself"


The two sat in comfortable silence for a minute or two, Kyle watching the smoke twist as kenny breathed out.

"What about you?"


"Why are you skipping?"

"Oh...not sure...just kinda felt like it I guess." Kenny answered as he twirled the cigarette between his fingers. "Not much of a reason I know...but still it's the only one I got."


Yet again silence surrounded them only letting the sounds of distant things be heard. Kenny was never really big on awkward silence, not that what ever the two were currently sharing was all that awkward. But it was quiet enough for his mind to wander so there for the silence needed to be filled.

"You wanna do something fun?" Kenny asked, smirking he threw the cigarette to the ground rubbing it in with the sole of his shoe in a fluent motion that seemed to be previously rehearsed.

The boy in the Green hat gave Kenny a strange look before nodding "what did you have in mind?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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