Chapter 11

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kaminari's pov

I forced my tears back as I sat through the rest of my classes, once the bell rang I jumped up and I ran to the dorms I slammed my door shut I sunk down on the floor and I broke down I couldnt hold it in anymore.

I held my knees to my chest as i rocked as tears streamed down my face like water falls, I heard my door open and someone mumbling I heard the door close as i felt a pair of arms wrap around me. they held me tightly as they let me cry into to their shoulder, I saw a patch of blonde, it was bakugou.

I wrapped my arms around him as he held me tightly. he stood up still holding me, he sat me on the bed and he handed me my dino. I clung to it as I rocked, I saw him walk around the room grabbing stuff for me. he came back over and i saw him holding a paci for me, I accepted it and he pulled my special blankie around me i know this is hard for you denki but I'm here to help you just trust me okay.

i nodded as my shaking got worse. and it got hard to breathe, I pointed to the closet and he nodded he came back out with a hoodie in one hand and a tee shirt in the other. I pointed to the hoodie as I pulled my shirt off i took my binder off and pulled the hoodie on, hey I know this is hard, just try to breathe, and relax ill put on some tv for you. do you have more comfortable clothes you wanna wear instead of your uniform pants?

i pointed to the cubbies where my ounsies were at. he nodded and got up he dug through the basket and he pulled out two for me one was a dino with a hood. and the other was a Pikachu with ears.

I pointed to the Pikachu one and the yellow shorts.

he nodded and handed them to be he turned his back to me as I changed.

he turned back to face me and i saw him smile it was a genuine smile.

okay denki you look adorable in that, should i call mina to come join us i nodded with a small smile.

he nodded and he pulled out his phone he called her and litteraly 3 minutes later my door was open and shut she locked the door she came over and I looked up at her i lifted my arms and she smiled she came over and hugged me.

she let go of me and I pouted.

what do you want little one? she asked.

i wan ups pease I whined.

I'm sorry little one your a little too big for me to pick up, she said. making me pout more.

hey just cause she cant doesnt mean I cant come here, bakugou said, i smiled and i moved over to him. he lifted me up and rested me on his hip as I laid my head on his shoulder, he softly rubbed my back. as he rocked me I started feeling sleepy so I slipped my thumb into my mouth as i felt my eyes close. I felt him walk around the room with me for a while till he laid me down on my bed, i felt my paci press to lips, I accepted it as I clung to my dino, as I felt some one kiss my head. I fell asleep.

I felt my body shaking as I let out a whine as the nightmare played out in my dreams.

I shot up as I clutched my body tightly I felt my body being pulled I looked up and i saw bakugou and mina both sitting there, I turned and I cried into his chest.

hey your okay it was just a nightmare, he held me close to him as he rubbed my back he rocked me softly as he shushed me softly. I felt the tears falling from my face as I soaked his shirt, I just shook my head was it a flashback? I nodded, he held my head to his shoulder as he rubbed my head.

ill go get mic or aizawa mina said I felt him nod.

i want my daddy, my daddy makes me feel better I mumbled.

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