Ch.1 : Awakened

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As they eco-terrorist group began running off, they soon realized one member of their team was missing! It was the young brunette who was the daughter of Emma Russell, Madison Russell. She looked out to see if she could see Madison, maybe she tripped and fell somewhere and got separated from them.

However the Osprey began flying off and Emma was ordered to turn on the Osprey, she hesitated for a moment... but this was bigger than her and Maddie. As Mark and his group began running from the collapsing base that began falling into the ice shaft and created a massive crater in the ice. Mark managed to get out of the radius of the crater and that's when Emma activated the Orca.

Mark and his team saw the snow blowing past their feet, towards the crater. They walked over to the edge and the smoke down below started circling like a vortex was down there, soon it began to flicker like lightning. Madison however was hiding under a shed and she crawled out when she could hear the low growl of Monster Zero waking up. She looked at the crater witch had a mini vortex over it.

Soon... the tail came out, witch ended in a spiked club and one head came out, then another, then the other came out and the middle head finally came out and all 3 of the looked down at the humans below. One head roared and smacked it's spiked tail into the ground, causing everyone to turn tain and run. Madison was frozen, she watched as the monster slowly made it's way out of the crater and soon some of the soldiers started firing at the creature.

Madison saw this and she shouted to the soldiers "Stop! Stop shooting him! Your gonna anger... them!" said Madison (What do you call Ghidorah, he or they?). Mark heard Madisons voice and called out to her, she looked in his direction and began to hear a sound that sounded like charging. She looked and saw Monster Zero's necks began to glow bright yellow and she could only fear the worst.

Monster Zero fired 3 supercharged electrical beams of yellow lightning at the soldiers that caused the very snow underneath Madison, Mark and everyone else and almost took them off their feet. The soldiers who where in the way of the beams were disintegrated to nothing but charred remains.

Madison fell to her knees when the ground underneath her shook as a result to the electric beams firing into the ground, causing all nearby electronics to short out and malfunction. Soon, they looked at the charred remains with a snarl.

Madison began to stand up and suddenly, all 3 heads turn to look at her!

All 6 eyes locked onto her small little body, Madison feels her heart sink into her stomach the second they turn at her

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All 6 eyes locked onto her small little body, Madison feels her heart sink into her stomach the second they turn at her. She doesn't know what to do, will running save her? Can she even run from this thing? Madison looks to her left and looks at Mark, his team was running to the Osprey and he was motioning her to run over.

She looks up at Ghidorah who continues staring at her, she feels her hands shaking not just from the cold, but fear. She counts to three under her shivering breath and turns to her left and begins gunning for it, trying to reach the osprey as fast as she can. Then, a loud high pitched roar is heard from all 3 heads as Madison runs, she stops for a moment to cover her heads due to the loudness of the roar.

Soon she feels the ground quake in around 1.25 second intervals, she knows what this is. Ghidorah was coming straight at them, and with every thunderous stomp she staggers around as the ground shakes in the 3 headed titans mighty stomps. She soon manages to reach the Osprey but not before landing face first in the snow, the rush of frigid cold in her face nearly sends her into shock but she quickly recovers and scrambles to the Osprey door. She looks behind and sees Ghidorah coming with all 3 heads lowered in the snow, they where about maybe 50 or so feet away her and all 3 of them let out a loud roar!

Madison screams and scrambles inside and the osprey door is shut. Madison quickly gets in her seat next to Mark and straps in as the Osprey slowly activates. Soon, Ghidorah indelibly reaches the Osprey and pushes it around for awhile before looking side through the cockpit. He sees Madison inside, and the head looking inside snarls and recoils away.

It's then silent for a moment... only for a moment. Soon, large sharp teeth come out of the windows of the osprey as a metalic groan can he heard! Ghidorah, holding he Osprey in his jaw's begins to shake it around until the entire top of the Osprey flies off, revealing every human inside.

In a panic, Madison and everyone else takes off their seat belts and right when this happens, Ghidorah's right head flips the osprey over, causing everyone including Madison to fly out of the Osprey and have a pretty bad landing.

Madison falls on her back, and looks up to see all 3 heads looking straight at her, he pushes the Osprey away with one wing and all 3 heads soon lower down to her. Madison is frozen, she knows she cannot run now as this thing could outrun her 100x over. She shivers in both freezing cold temperatures and fear at the revelation what is likely to come next, her death.

Soon, Ghidorah senses something coming. His rival has came for him, and he stands up as tall as he can and waits for his rival to come. Godzilla soon rises out of the ice and glares at Ghidorah, furious and disgusted that such a deadly creature has been released from it's prison, looks like he needs to be put back in his prison.

As Ghidorah and Godzilla begin to face off Madison gets out of their way as quickly as they can and looks for her father, screaming his name as she can barely stand under the quaking ground caused by Ghidorah and Godzilla fighting. She kept on screaming and screaming for him until she sees Godzilla being pushed into the crater where Ghidorah came out off.

He then turns to Madison and they begin approaching her, Madison falls down to her back and begins futility crawling away but Ghidorah was quickly closing distance with him and her. She soon his a lamp post as she crawls away and she has so way of escape now. She watches shakily as Ghidorah's middle head soon lowers down to her and looks right at her.

Madison's breathing was so fast she was almost hyperventilating and she looked right into the giant titan's red eyes. He was getting closer... and closer... and closer to her, he eventually got close enough that she could feel the breaths of this thing blowing on her. For such a massive titan who has such a loud roar, his breathes are not as strong as she expected.

Eventually Ghidorah was right up in her face, maybe inches away from her but from here it seems like he is all in her face and Madison felt a little uncomfortable as Ghidorah was invading her personal space. She also questioned in her head why Ghidorah was taking his time in approaching her of all people.

Soon, a loud blast was heard and Ghidorah recoiled away from Madison and looked in the direction of whoever dared to interrupt his moment with Madison. Soon the USS Argo and many more fighter jets came rushing out of the clouds and fired at Ghidorah. He covered his his heads and Madison with his wings and rattled his tail spikes. Madison shields herself with her arms as missiles fire at Ghidorah.

Soon Godzilla comes out of the crater and roars at Ghidorah, ready to continue the fight. Ghidorah glares at Godzilla and then looks down at Madison, not wanting to put her in danger. Ghidorah soon begins to take off into the sky above, Madison watches as Ghidorah flies away... she soon passes out when the shock begins to wear off...

Who knows what will happen now when she wakes up with Monster Zero on the loose...

Madison's 3 headed King (Madison Russel X King Ghidorah)Where stories live. Discover now