Chapter 1 - Hunting for Food

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A/N: Hey look, I finished a chapter! This one's been sitting on my phone for a little while and I haven't been able to publish it. Hopefully I can keep up with this story, I'll try my best so expect a new chapter soon. :D Hope you like the story!

Kaiya jumped back as the large black hand, almost double the size of her whole body, came crashing down and hit the floor in front of her. The whole room shook from the impact and Kaiya found herself knocked to the floor. She slowly got up as the hand went for her again. She spun around as she got up and dived out of the way, unsheathing her two swords. This monster was strong, one hit and he could crush her, but it also had a weekness. The monster was slow, Kaiya on the other hand...

She danced around the monster looking for an opening. It's tail whipped blindly behind it hoping to hit something and she took her opportunity. The monster was armored like a tank with thick scaly skin, there was no way she could do much damage just slashing at it with her sword. She stabbed her sword into the monster's tail, making it let out a roar, but it wasn't enough to stop it from moving. She grabbed hold of the a large spike on the back of the monster and pulled herself up on it's back. It twisted and thrashed trying to throw her off but Kaiya maintained her hold on the creature. When it gave up trying to throw her off it resulted to trying to attack her where she was, clawing away, but it just couldn't reach her. Kaiya had a clear shot at the smooth skin under the monster's neck and she went for it. She sliced at it's neck and blood spurted out. It cried out in pain and fell to the floor, too weak now to fight. She jumped off the creature's back triumphantly and put away her swords.

This was why she was the best huntress in all of Terana! Just maybe a little too cocky for her own good. The tail of the dead monster flicked down as it finally died and knocked her over to make her faceplant onto the floor. "Ow! I thought you were supposed to be dead!" She exclaimed as she slowly got up off the floor again.

Kaiya walked over to a giant nest sitting under the shade of a big tree and climbed in. She picked up a brown egg the size of her head. It belonged to the monster she had just fought. The monster's meat would have been tough and uneatable but the egg would make a fine meal for tonight. Kaiya took off her backpack and jammed the egg into it. Good thing she'd left everything at home! She swung the bag onto her back and started walking.

The walk beack to camp was long and Kaiya had almost gotten lost once or twice. Eventually she had found her way back through the mountains and come to a small clearing in the forrest. Night was falling and she could hear the calls of the silver-tailed loret birds off to the distance. She thought she had better prepare some food before it was completely dark. So she cracked open the egg and it plopped into a pot suspened over a fire. Having not eated in days Kaiya was practically drooling at the throught of food. She flipped it into a bowl and ate the whole thing herself. Finally some food to keep her going, better to not let it go to waste. 

The sky was almost black now and the stars had come out. Kaiya almost wanted to stay up and watch them but she knew that it was too dangerous to be out at this time of night. She could femember when she was young, she used to sit with her mother when the stars were at their brightedst, but that was when it was still safe.

She crawled crawled into the cave that was servicing as a makeshift house and lit a torch, providing some dim ligh. She propped the torch into the holder that she'd banged into the wall and proceeded to cover the enterance to the cave with fencing. The fence was pretty knocked around but it had held out against the creatures for the past few weeks. It wasn't like she had anything to replace it with anyway.

Kaiya couldn't worry about it now, she had to sleep but... She could hear them prowling outside. She still hadn't found a name for them, all she knew about them was that they were hard to kill, impossible to run from and she did not ever want to meet one. Well... She didn't ever want to meet one again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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