On the train

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(just let you know that you are part of this story is about you) 

Hope you like it 

you were saying goodbye to your family and saying how much you are going to miss them. 

bye dad I'm going to miss you. you said 

I'm going to miss you too. Arthur said  (aka your dad) 

I and your father are going to miss all of you. Molly said (aka your mum) 

Have fun don't get in too much trouble. Molly said 

We won't. Frey and Geroge said at the same time. 

we when on the train and sat in the are house I sat in the Hufflepuff with Dean and some of his friends. I sat with Rory, Nikki, and Brie. Brie was dating Daniel and Nikki was dating Noah than are both happy and Rory didn't have a boyfriend she think have a boyfriend is too hard because we are spending too much time with them and not get think done. As we were on the train I look out the window and look at all the mountains and I start to drift off to sleep. I woke up and I have to use the bathroom as I got up I when to go use the bathroom and I was looking down at the floor someone was in front and I didn't see them. As I look in front of me I see a tall figure I look but to see who it was. 

Sorry I didn't see you there. you said 

no, it okay my apologies. Cedric said 

Hi, I'm Y\N. you said 

Hi, I'm Cedric. Cedric said 

I know. you said nervously 

Sorry, that was dumb to say. you said 

No, it okay it was kind of cute. Cedric said He says blush 

okay well I will see in late. you said walk away not let him say anything back.

As you walk back to where you were sitting you thought how awkward that was and why am I was getting nervous I have a boyfriend which I am happy with but I can't stop seeing him in my head. No, I have a boyfriend I can't do that to him. As you get back with your friend and sat down than were wonder what it took so long. 

hey why where you take so look. dean said 

oh... someone was there and I was waiting for them to get done. you said 

well did you use the bathroom. dean said 

No, it took too long I will just use it when we get to Hogwarts. you said 

oh okay. dean said 

after that you just talk to your friend and Dean was talking to his friend.  you were talking about how you want to redecorate the dorm and make it look just like home. After that everyone falls to sleep but you were still up and hungry so you got up quiet so no one would wake up. you when to the cart lady and ask for wand chocolate and chocolate frog as you where to get your wallet out of your pocket. You hear a familiar voice from earlier. 

I will pay for that how much. Cedric said 

5 dollar. cart lady said 

No, you don't have to pay I can pay. you said 

no please let me. Cedric said 

Cedric pays the cart lady. 

you didn't have to do that. you said 

But I want to. Cedric said 

thank. you said 

No problem. Cedric said 

As you walk back you thought why did he do that for me I have to pay him back his 5 dollars. but why is he being so nice to me when I walk away from him. you sat back down eating your snacks when you woke up Dean from the wrapper. 

Hey, when did you get food? Dean said  

Just know. you said 

how much money you have let. Dean said 

10 dollar. you said

how? Dean said 

someone pay it for me but it, not a big deal. you said 

who? Dean said 

Cedric did but I told him he didn't have to but it for me. but he.  you said 

oh. Dean said and let it go 

after you finish eating you fall asleep look outside the mountain and think about Cedric. 

After you woke up it was moring and ever one was awake then where talk but you didn't see Dean so you ask Nikki where was Dean. 

Hey where Dean. you said 

oh he when to the bathroom. Nikki said 

how long has he been in there. you said. 

for about 30 mins. Nikki said. 

Oh... well, I'm going to go look for him. you said while getting up 

You saw him talk to Cho chang and he has put her hair behind her ear. he sees you and you run off to the nearest bathroom that you can find and still cry and you thought to yourself. why would he do that to me does he not care about me. 

(Dean Pov) 

Hey, have you guys seen where Reader went? dean said  (aka You) 

no why what did you do? Rory said 

she saw me with Cho chang. Dean said 

YOU WHAT. I'm going to go look for her but I'm not done with you. Rory said walkout  

the girls  went looking for you 

(Reader pov) (aka you) 

after you stop cry you got out of the bathroom and ran into some again. you say to yourself not this again. 

Sorry I didn't see I was just leaving. you said 

no it okay... Hey, why are you cry. Cedric said. 

oh... no reason. you said but I want to tell him so bad

oh come on you can tell me. Cedric said 

I feel like I can tell him everything but for some reason, I trust him so I told him. 

I saw my boyfriend touching another girl's hair and put it behind her ear. you said start to cry again. 

he hugs you and says it was going to be okay. after he hugs you stop cry and say I'm going to go back with my friend. okay, he said. you walk but to your friend than are all worried. omg are okay we know what happens. I am so sorry we are going to talk him but for now, let go sit somewhere else okay. okay. you said. grabbing your think and sit somewhere else. you talk to your friend and fall asleep again. but you woke up and you and your friend just arrived at Hogwarts. 

(Hey so comment what you think about this story. tell me what should I write for the next chapter) 

One night change (Cedric Diggory, Mattheo riddles) Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now