Episode 1

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Ailee's P.O.V
I stand outside the airport wearing a disguised outfit and looks. I cignal a taxi cab, sitting at the back. "Where are we going Miss?" Said the driver to me. "Um. I don't know? But can you take me to a school named Saotome thingy??" I said giving an awkward smile and laugh. "Do you mean the Saotome Academy? The school for performing arts?" He said. "Yes. Yes exactly. Thank you sir" I said acting like 'Yes yes right that is the answer' mode. We headed there from the airport and from that school. I payed the driver and carried all my baggages. "STARISH.... Becomes popular because of my choreography. Why not?" I said smiling and headed inside. 

All of the students looked at me and maybe great they know me. I took a glimpse on the fountain where me and my uncle told me to continue my career in Korea. Yes, I debuted at Korea but I also a singer here in Japan.

I  walk inside and I can't resist that all of the students, the way they all looked to me. So OKAY. "You know she is very familiar. But I don't think she is" said the girl with a long black hair. "She is look like Ailee" said her friend. I walked towards the principal's office where my uncle's office was. But unfortunately I bumped into someone's back. "What the hell?" Said the orange haired man. "Do you think that's my fault?" I said to him bravely. "A-Ailee?" He said shock. "No other than me Mr. Hyuuga Senpai" I said smiling. "Still the same" he sighed. I laugh and I said if Uncle is there and he nodded. 

"What?! I need to go to the Master Course together with them?" I said loudly to my Uncle and he just laugh. I go back and sit down properly again after what he said to me, that me Ailee together with Quartet Night will instruct the newbies inside that dorm. "It's a big NO Oji-san. NO!!" I said again angrily to him directly. "Why not Ailee?" He questioned. "First of all you'd just send me here to do that task. Lastly I want a break." I said coldly. "But you already choreograph STARISH and the output is very marvelous, extremely fantas-". "Okay. When?!" I cut him with my words. "But promise me that I can continue my career as a K-pop star. Ok??. Promise me!" I said and he said he promised. 

"Master Course. Master Course." I muttered in myself while I'm walking thru the woods. Maybe I'm lost now. It's so insane that the map was drawn by my Uncle and its totally who guess for kids. While I'm walking I heard two people talking to each other. "Please promise me that you and I will work hard. Ok?" Said a voice. "Okay!" Said another voice I followed and it reveals that there was a man and a woman standing facing from each other. "Um. Excuse me are you two guys going to the Master Course? Because you know me also." I said smiling at them. They seem the two of them was shock. And Oh My Gosh I forgot to where my shades. "Ms. A-Ailee?" They bowed at me. "Woah. The two of you shut your mouths and don't tell anybody that I'm here especially when we're inside ok?" They nodded. "You are Haruka Nanami the compositor of STARISH and you Mister is Ittoki Otoya of STRAISH" I said to them happily and that laugh. "Well, Um if you mind I need to go to the agency first and See yah" Ittoki said. 

"Well lets go?" I said to petite girl and she nodded. "So you are Ailee. Why are you doing here at the Master Course?" Haruka said and I laugh. "Hahaha.. Haha" I laughed. She tilt her head wandering 'why are you laughing?'. "You know Haruka it will be a secret" I said to her.

We already arrived the dormitory and we're about to enter, then a small blonde boy appeared. "H-Haruka chan" he said blushing. I stepped my heel backwards for them to talk. I'd just heard about a CD something and I think it's about the 'The Prince of Fighting' and yes it's about Hyuuga-Senpai. Then later on I keep on watching them talking about something and someone runs towards from Haruka and hug her. I always follow rules so I interrupt them. "Ehem! Mind. No. Hugging. Policy. Is. Allowed" I said twitching my right eyebrow up. 

"I'm sorry" the light browned man said."Now, where is Syo?!" I said to them. I sied deeply and suddenly Syo came up angrily. "You do never do that Satsuki!" He commanded Satsuki. "I'm sorry again" said Satsuki. "By the way Nanami. Who is the girl beside you?" Syo asked. I laugh hardly. "Ailee. Bye" then I go inside the dorm. I found myself nervous and I don't know why.

Normal P.O.V
In the practice room they've heard a voice of a man laughing."Who is it?" Said Syo. "Could it be? Said Ittoki. "Happy idols share pure love" said Shinning then he jumps with two hanging cloth both hands have. All of them are seem shock. "When did you get here?" Said Haruka. "Boys, welcome to the Master Course" said Shinning while spinning around in the air and a perfect landing then slide through them. "Principal.. I mean President" said Masato. "Your debut concert was wonderful" the president said happily while dancing. "T-thank you very much" said Ittoki. "But" spinning around and landed in front of Syo. "The reality is, many bloom splendidly and fade like fireworks" he said to the face of Syo and he takes his hat. He spins Syo's hat while saying. "Only the devoted can become actual star shinning in the night sky" he said playing Syo's hat. "Allow me to introduce you to someone essential to helping you accomplish that!" He said. Then he throwed back Syo's hat to him landing on Syo's head again. "Who?" Said Syo. "Pioneering princes" Shinning said. 

Shinning left through the window and said 'Work Hard'. "Thanks for waiting everyone" they all followed the voice and raised their head above. A float. "Good morning" said the man in with a dress. "Rin-chan! You outfit is sparkling" said Ittoki. Rin-chan gives flying kisses to them. "It's a shame you're a man" said Hyuuga. "Even Hyuuga Sensei is sparkling" Syo said. They stop and proceed towards them. "You are not anymore longers students but rather professionals trying to make it in the world of performing arts" Hyuuga said to them. "You've got to learn on your own and improve yourselves" Rin said. "But I'm sure ther are plenty of things you don't or are worried about" Hyuuga said. "Which is why we've assigned them to help you" Rin said pointing to the three members of Quartet Night. "So this is what Master Course is all about" said Ittoki. "Kotobuki Renji is assigned to Otoya-chan and Tokiya-chan" said Rin. "Nice to meet you" said the brunette man energetically. Kurosaki Ranmaru is assigned to Jigunji and Hirijikawa" said Hyuuga. Ranmaru give them an evil eye to eye contact which Masato was shock and Ren was happy. "Ai Mikaze is assigned to Syo chan and Na chan" said Rin lastly. Ai just give the two a stare. "Haruka-chan if there's anything bothering you, come talk to me" said Rin chan. "Okay" said Haruka. 

"Oh come on! You totally forgot me!!" Said Ailee entering the practice room. All of them was looking to Ailee. Ailee crossing her both arms and pouted that she was forgotten already. "What is my use here again?" She said to Hyuuga. "Oh right, Ailee I forgot about you. You will be the senior for Haruka ok?" Hyuuga said and she nodded. "Mind if I introduce myself?" Ailee asked happily they all nodded. "My name is Amy Lee and my screen name is Ailee and I'm Shinning's niece" she said confidently. "Nothing's change huh?" Said Ranmaru smiling to her. She walks forwards to Ranmaru and hug him tightly. "Miss you" she mumbled. "You two are still great even years  past" said Ai and Kotobuki.  Ranmaru blushed as she was hugged by Ailee. "Ehem! Ailee, might I introduce you The STA-" "STARISH!" Said Ailee as she cuts off Rin. "You know us?!" Said Ittoki shock. "Of course. How will I forget your group since I choreograph your dance steps for your debut song?!" She said sarcatically. "Y-you  are the choreographer?!" Said Ren. "You know guys all of you, I know you and you know me. I debuted in Korea and because of my english skills they found me singing covers like Whitney Houston and they called me the Korean Beyoncé" she laughing. "What?! Did you just said Beyoncé?" Said Tokiya and she raised her both eyebrows saying yes. "That's why she awarded The Immortal Voice Award" said Ai. "Exactly" said Kotobuki.  "Ailee. Give the rookie any samples" said Hyuuga.

(AN: Please play Ailee's cover I have Nothing)

(here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBCnbz3X5QY

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