Chapter 24

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Jimin had entered the auditorium as punctual as always, finding his students already in their seats with their attention on him. He greeted them with a smile as he proceeded to arrange his belonging on his desk, taking out from his briefcase his book and some other paperwork he had prepared for the subject of the day.

He was about to go on with his lecture but his eyes caught sight of someone who had dared entered late in his class and was trying to sneak in till their seat, without him noticing them. The thought of that happened was as absurd as it was funny to him, however, he did not speak about it and left the student to reach his seat, before he threw his eyes at him.

A delighted feeling crossed his chest as soon as he saw that it was non-other but Daniel the one who had been late and he for sure was not gonna let this go by.

"I was about to start the lecture but some of you have not even taken your bags off yet. Let's take a moment and wait for them to open their books." He uttered as he slightly started taking steps towards the desk Daniel had chosen to occupy at the end of the auditorium, action that made the younger guy to hurry and take his bag off and open it, placing his book on the desk and his hands opening it at a random page, just as Jimin finally reached upon his head.

He could hear his heartbeat speeding from anxiety as he could feel him looking yet Daniel did not dare to turn his head and meet his eyes. He could already see that all the other students in this room were looking his way with an expression that portrayed fear for him and he too knew well that he should be afraid. Not only by the fact that Jimin was known to not tolerate such things but also because in the bag that was now half opened, standing at the side of his desk, was the notebook he stole from his girlfriend and which he had yet to give it to JaeHyun, even though he waited for him to show up enough for him to get late for class.

"Page 63. Is that really the page that we are at? "Jimin spoke, a smile remaining on his lips as he scanned around the room, at the corner of his eyes, being aware by the pressure that he was emotionally giving to Daniel and any other that was at that room at that moment.

"I was revising." An excuse left his lips hurriedly as his eyes travelled his way and Jimin looked at him, his smile growing even more for a split second only to fall in a stern expression that literally gave chills to most of the people around him, Daniel included.

"That's a literature book." Was all Jimin said, his eyes looking at him sternly and coldly as his subject was Philosophy.

Daniel felt himself going pale at the realization that he had pulled the wrong book out in his hurry and as he reflexively reached for his bag, Jimin's hand fell on top of it before him, making his hand freeze mid-air. He didn't dare to lift his eyes to look his way as all he could think of was that notebook that if he was to be exposed about, he was sure that Jimin would not hesitate to take his life.

"I will keep this. Till the end of this lecture, you better have kept notes right. Otherwise, you won't be seeing your bag for a month or so." Daniel's eyes grew wide as soon as his brain processed Jimin's words, his head shooting in his direction but Jimin was no longer looking at him. He just started to leave, his bag hanging by his right hand that had grabbed on it.

"I don't care what valuables you have in it. Be it your wallet, your phone or even your house keys. Whoever dares to come late to my lecture and try to lie to me, should think twice." He added, reaching his desk where he placed Daniel's bag on top, in a visible place for everyone to see.

"Sir, with all due have no right to confiscate my personal belongings." Daniel dared and stood up, seeking his rights, even though he would have not been so bothered and pressed by that if it wasn't by the fact that he had to look after that notebook with his life and if he was to lose it Jaehyun would totally skin him alive.

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