chapter 1

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I groan softly a small pounding in my head. The last thing I remember is leaving my home and then a car. I stay laid there my eyes closed till I heared a knock at my bedroom door it must have all been a dream I say as I open my eyes   . I look around confused this isnt my room I think as I slowly get up still hearing somone knock at my door "Y/N get up your going to make us late". I look towards the door confused and go and open it my jaw dropped as stood before me was none other than Meredith Grey.

"Y/N I mean it hurry up or we will leave you behind" she says annoyed. I just stay silent and watch her. She looks back at me now growing slightly concerned "you okay you look a little pale" she says I just shake my head and close my eyes tight before opening them again yep she was still there "I um   I mean what how am I here?" I look at her confused. She looks back at me with a face filled with worry "what do you mean why are you here you live here" she says. I just shake my head and walk back into what I guess we will call my room and sit on the bed as she follows behind me.

I just sit there for a while as she watched me my hands over my face how can this be how can I be here. I look up to see Meredith still starting at me her arms crossed aroas her chest as she leans agains the wall " are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to get your girlfriend up here?" She says as she points downstairs. My eyes widen again "girlfriend?" I ask now even more confused Meredith looks at me now with a look of pure worry "yes your girlfriend Arizona" I laugh slightly at this and shake my head standing up passing the room. Iv gone completely mad I think to myself. I look over at Meredith as the sound of approaching footsteps pull me from my thoughts soon a beautiful blonde appeared in the doorway looking at me smiling "Arizona Robbins" I say in shock. She looks at me and laughs "Y/N Grey" I shake my head a little "I'm sorry who?" The two woman look at each other before looking back at me "very funny baby but you got to get dressed we are going to be late" Arizona says as she grabs a few things in the room.

I just stand there not moving "I dont understand" is all I could say making Arizona look at me "understand what?" She asked looking confused "any of this why I'm here how im here this isnt real your not real" I stare at the two woman who both look a little shocked. I just shake my head and walk into the bathroom locking the door behind me as I walk over to the bathroom mirror. I close my eyes tight and take a deep breath *okay y/n you will wake up soon in one...two...three* I open eye still looking in the mirror I let out a sigh. Soon a knock at the bathroom door got my my attention, I walk over unlocking it to see the two woman looking at me worried "baby are you alright?" Arizona asked cupping my face in her hand. I jump back a little at her touch I mean I could feel it like actually feel her hands on my skin but how this isnt real. Arizona and Meredith both look worried and glance at eash other "Y/N what's going on talk to us" Meredith says as she sits on the ad looking at me. I just shake my head walking around the room my breathing becoming heavy "how am I here with you you both arnt real you are a tv show" I look over at the two woman who are both now exchanging very worried looks. Arizona walks over to me grabbing my arm to stop me from walking anymore "baby what are you talking about a tv show we are real we are your family" she looks worries and scared. I sigh and look back into her pretty blue eyes and shake my head "your not real this is all in my head. Arizona looks a little hurt before she pulls me into a kiss then pulls away a few seconds later. I stand in shock and just look at her "your telling me that that wasnt real" she says gentley. I sigh shaking my head it definitely felt real her soft lips against mine the smell if her perfume and shampoo all so real but how. How can it be real.

Meredith stands up walking over to us and looks into my eyes "I swear if this is a joke y/n it isnt funny" she says looking more worried by the second. I shake my head "I'm not joking I have no idea how im here or anything to me none of this is real" I sigh in frustration looking between both woman who both look scared "right get dressed were going to the hospital" meredith says walking towards the door. I look at her in shock "why?" Was all I could muster. she looks back at me frowning "because we are going to see Amelia maybe she can see what's going on in that brain of yours" meredith leaves and it's now just me and Arizona. I look at her and can tell just by her face shes hurting that I dont know who she is to be or our relationship I sigh softly and sit on the bed not saying a word. I soon hear her going through draws and grabbing things before some comfortable clothes are placed next to me. I look up at her and cam tell shes in pain from this whole experience "Arizona I am sorry I dont remember who you are to me but I can tell I am important to you". Arizona gives a small smile as she sits next to me "you are the most important person to me Y/N and whatever is going on we will sort it I promise. She gets up leaving the room closing the door behind her. I sigh and get dressed in the clothes she had picked and walk downstairs following the voices where I found the two woman deep in conversation they soon stop when they see me and both look worried "ready?" Arizona asks walking over to me I just give a small nod and follow her. She hands me some shoes which i assume are mine i put them on and follow her and Meredith to a car climbing into the passenger seat next to Arizona as Meredith gets into another car. I look over at Arizona who is looking at me her eyes filling with tears. I frown a little "you okay? I ask worried. She just nods and drives to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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