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Hermione POV

I walked down the dark London streets, I was on my way to the apartment I had rented. It had been three years since the end of the second wizarding war, Harry and Ron had gotten jobs as Aurors and everything had been perfect for, one year. Ron and I had started dating, it was amazing, but now looking back at it I think that I should have known that nothing is perfect. 

I had decided to go to Australia and find my parents to replace their memories. When I brought up my idea to Ron had didn't like it and we ended up fighting. 


I sat up when I heard the door open and close, "I'm home." my boyfriend Ron said walking into the living room. I got up from the couch and walked over to him giving him a little kiss on the cheek. A look of disappointment flashed over his face but it was gone after a second. "How did work go, hun?" I asked Ron, "Oh, you know the same-old same-old, paperwork and more paperwork," Ron sighed sitting down. 

I moved to stand in front of Ron and said "Ron, there's something I need to tell you about," my voice was solemn but inside I was bursting with happiness. "Yes, what is it dear?" Ron sighed with impatience "I've decided to go to Australia and find my parents." The words rushed out of my mouth and a smile grew on my face just thinking about Ron's reaction to come. 

Ron snapped to attention and looked confused for a second then it hit him. "WHAT!" he yelled at me and my smile faltered, "YOU'RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO ASK ME FIRST!" His face contorted in anger and I looked at him taken aback. 'How dare he talk to me like that,' I thought, "I DON'T HAVE TO ASK YOUR PERMISSION FOR ANYTHING RONALD WEASLEY, AND I AM GOING TO AUSTRALIA BECAUSE CAN'T STOP ME!" 

I stomped out of the room running to our bedroom. I grabbed my bag full of my things and ran out of the house, leaving behind a still angry Ron. I made my way to the closest alley so I could apparate without being seen. 

-End flashback- 

I shuddered at the memory and speeded up so I could get home faster. I had gone to the house my parents had bought in Australia. I tried to bring their memories back but I couldn't so I bought an apartment close to them and tried to find a new way to go about bringing back their memories. 

Things had been going so well there too, I had become friends with them so I could be closer to them and I was even trying to think on the positive side and stay happy. Then it happened the thing I had been dreading, my parents were caught in a fatal car wreck no one survived. As soon as I got the news I broke down I spent all day and night crying before I decided to go home.

I went back to London to see Ron because I thought he could help me and comfort me, but boy was I wrong. When I got back and explained the story to Ron he got terribly mad, we fought and he kicked me out and broke up with me then and there. So I left broken and depressed, I got a small apartment on other side of London and never spoke to Ron again. 

To be truthful I haven't seen anyone of my other friends either. 

Blaise POV

I looked around the dark street where I'd apparated by accident. It was night and there were very few lights on, under the light of the only street light there I saw a woman's figure, she looked like was walking in the other direction. I was about to apparate away when the woman fell, she didn't trip instead it looked like she just fainted. 

I ran over and caught her before she hit the ground and then apparated to St. Mungo's before I got a good look at her. Standing outside of the Wizard hospital, I glanced down at the woman in my arms. She had bushy auburn hair that only reached her shoulders and looked very unkempt, her skin was taught over her bony frame, and so pale it looked like she was a ghost, and under her eyes were large purple bags like she hadn't slept in weeks.

It took me a second or two but recognized her as Granger, the annoying know-it-all from Hogwarts. I carried her into the building and got a nurse to check her out. 

(A/N) Don't hate me for making a sad chapter pleaseeee *Does sad puppy face*. 

Disclaimer- I think it's pretty obvious that I don't own harry potter cause if I did it would include Dramione and Blinny.

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