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I was born the daughter of a scientist, although I never knew his name I know he wasn't a good man. My mother died during my birth, due to the unknown experiments my father had done on her. I was the product of these experiments, not physically but my well let's say differences. Although no one knew my father conducted these experiments on my mother at the time they were occurring he was eventually discovered when the daughter had the strangest purple eyes and not to mention the sparks and smoke that would be produced from her fingers when she started crying. This started to spread rumors that my father was experimenting on me as a baby, until finally one of my father's colleagues had enough. One night he stole me away and fled to another country, a country he and I would both be safe. I do not remember my father, my mother, or this man, I became the daughter of a family in Brooklyn, New York, that could not have children without any knowledge of my past. Due to my differences I would get sick very easily and my parents made sure I did not go out when I was ill, the only person who would see me was my doctor, the same doctor my entire life he always knew how to help. When I was about seven I met two boys they were absolute idiots but they became my best friends and we started doing everything together, except of course when I fell ill but even then we would talk through letters we left for each other outside my window.

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