chapter 2

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naoya zen'in

The Ieiri family was no big clan or anything like that, like the Zen'in clan or the Gojo clan. Due to Kayo's well earned respect, the name Ieiri was well known, known for being different. "Nee-san, you're home?" A blunt voice was heard from the inside of a room, "Yes." "Welcome back. You too, Fushiguro-san." Earning just a small "hm" from him, they entered their rooms. He has been living with them for quite a while now, that he became like a family member to Shoko, a family member who didn't like to talk much.

After she changed, Kayo went into her sister's room to greet her, catching a group of students studying. Widening her eyes, she asked, "Care to tell me why you didn't meet up at Satoru's?" "Well, my mom is home." "Which mom?" Some of them started to giggle about it, mainly Utahime because Gojo finally couldn't talk back at someone. "Ieiri-san.." "I mean, it's alright, you could've told me, Shoko, now I have to cook for seven." She looked down on her sister. Their age gap wasn't big, only 4 years, but losing their parents early, made her be the parent, which she actually hated. "By the way Shoko, do you have any requests for dinner?" "Isn't Fushiguro-san choosing?" "Yeah, well, your friends are here." She looked down on the group and then leaned on the wall, raising her eyebrows, she waited for an answer, but before Shoko could say anything, someone shouted from one of the rooms inside, "I don't care if a couple of kids are here today, I am choosing." Smiling, Kayo again leaned towards her sister, "Lost your chance." Leaving the room, she heard the friend group talking about Toji more than the subject they were supposed to talk about.

"How nice of you." "It is my turn to choose and I am not giving it to some kids." "Yeah, well, whatever. That means you're preparing dinner either. For seven by the way." Giggling, she turned around, hearing a loud scoff.


"Itadakimasu" Before anyone could touch their chopsticks, the doorbell rang and a knock was heard. "I'll look." Shoko stood up and slandered through the hallway to the door. Kayo was surprised but didn't care much about it, after all, who could it be?

Looking up from her meal, she saw Shoko standing at the door to the dining room with Naoya. "Fushiguro-san. He wants to talk to you." Not even caring more about this, Shoko left Naoya's side and sat down to start eating. "Quite a crowd you got there Ieiri." "Unlike you, we are very much liked, Zen'in." was Kayo's only answer. She continued to eat, caring less about the man standing there, who was waiting for a certain someone, who also didn't care about Naoya standing there.

The other students did find the situation quite awkward, but managed to forget about the gray haired male after a quick second and continued to eat their food. "Toji?" Naoya said while clearing his throat. "What is it Naoya?" Getting rather angry about the situation he was in, he couldn't accept his cousin's behavior. "I came to talk?" "And I am eating. I think you can see that." "And that is  my concern, why?" Toji was still eating his food, knowing that this conversation would never end, Kayo stepped in.

"Naoya, you either wait or care to join. We're all eating right now." Raising his eyebrows, he went outside to wait. Hearing the laughter that started, after he left, he again walked in and sat down on the empty seat next to Kayo. "Do you want to eat?" "Well, yes?" "Here." Utahime gave him an empty bowl, which was decorated with oriental patterns. She put his chopsticks next to the bowl, so he could pick up the food from the plates, into it.

"What were you guys studying by the way?" Naoya still was confused about the fact that neither of the people sitting at this table were bothered by someone else sitting with them. "We found a curse, which was quite hard to identify, we had to write a report about it and chose to do it together." Geto answered Kayo's question. "Ieiri-san, when are you going to come back to Jujutsu Tech?" "I'll be there if I am needed" she smiled at Geto's question, making the man sitting next to her ask something either, "You work at Jujustu Tech? You're a teacher?" "I am not a teacher, I just help out with special rank curses." "Putting all my faith into a woman is one of the most stupid thing I'd do." "I don't care what you would do. I don't work for you." Glaring at her, he continued to eat.

After five minutes of inpatient eating, Naoya started to talk again, "Toji, I'll just talk about this in front of everyone, because this meal will take a while to finish." Raising his eyebrow, Toji looked up at him. "What is it?" "I want you to give Megumi to the Zen'in clan. I found out you don't know what to do with him, so the Zen'in clan is your best option." His talk was interrupted by a slam on the table, a hard one. Kayo couldn't believe what he just said.

"No. Megumi isn't going to the Zen'in clan, that's probably one of the worst options ever. Living with a misogynist and his family? A family that rejects their own children if they are not good enough? Megumi doesn't deserve such thing." "It's not about what he deserves, it's about what is good for him." "It is true that Megumi would get the best treatment there, the best treatment because he has the ten shadows technique?" "Isn't that my decision Kayo?" Toji said after listening to their talk. "You agree?" "I never said that but it still is my decision." Raising her eyebrows in disbelief, she walked out of the room, "Do whatever you want, but that would definitely show that you don't care about him, Toji. I know that you do."

Naoya followed her, but chose to walk out of the front door and leave, only to be stopped by Kayo. "Why do you even bother?" "Leave, Ieiri." "So you respect Toji but not me?" "Why should I respect you?" "I don't know, maybe because I have an urge to make you suffer?" "Oh, how will you do that? You're a woman and you're weak. Not even possible, to even touch me." "That one sister of yours, Mina? Yeah, are you looking down on her too?" Widening his eyes, he couldn't believe what he heard. There was no way she had the courage to hurt a Zen'in.

"Kayo? Glasses kid is asking for you." Toji said, so she would go inside. Walking past Naoya, she sighed, "Sorry." His eyes following her, as she walked in.

"You really shouldn't mess with her, after all, she is stronger than I am, means that she is also stronger than you." Toji explained while walking him to the frony gate of the garden. "That means nothing. A curse user is of course stronger than you, what were you thinking?"

Naoya didn't change, he was just like the boy Toji grew up with, thinking he was better than anyone else.

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