Our What?

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Today started out as just any normal day to Gauche. Luck and Magna were sparring as usual in the hideout, Vanessa was drinking her bottle of wine, Asta was trying to get Noelle and Secre to train with him, Charmy was in the kitchen cooking with her sheep, Henry was off somewhere, and the Captian and Finral were off who knows where. While he, Gordon, and Grey were sitting at a table ignoring the noise behind them. Gauche had just finished painting a figure of Marie and was waiting for it to dry, when he glanced at Grey out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting with her hands over her eyes but her fingers split so she could see out of them, she was watching Luck and Magna as they destroyed the hideout for the millionth time.

A soft, hidden smile appeared on Gauche's face as he looked at her, even with her face hidden she still managed to look cute. He felt very lucky to have met her and have her in his life, but he felt even luckier after she had asked him to marry her. Admittedly he had been wanting to ask her first and had it planned out for a while but he just couldn't figure out how he had wanted to ask her. The night he was about to ask she had just blurted it out as quickly as she could. Gauche had been shocked at first, but had swiftly recovered and had accepted her proposal, he had never told her that he was also going to propose that night, he wanted Grey to be proud of her bravery even if it got him teased endlessly by Magna and Luck when they found out. That was 3 years ago.

" G-Gauche? Are you ok?" Gauche blinked as he heard his name and noticed Grey had turned her attention to him. " You've been s-staring at me for a while." She added her voice slightly shaky from her nervousness, he had been so lost in the memories that he forgot he was looking at Grey.

" Sorry, just got lost in thought." He apologized quickly before checking to see if his Marie figure was done drying, he didn't paint them as much as he used too. Mind you, he still loved his little sister, but after he started dating Grey he sort of realized (with Marie's help of course) that he didn't need to give her all of his attention all the time, he could let more people into his heart and love them as much as he loved Marie.

" H-Hey Gauche? Can we g-go to our room for a bit?" Grey asked just as a bolt of Luck's lightning wizzed right by their table. Gauche whipped around in his chair.

" Will you two idiots knock it off? If one of your fireballs or lightning bolts hits Grey it's going to be me you have to deal with!" He threatened before he realized that it might make Luck intentionally try to hit Grey just to make Gauche spar with him. " Yeah let's get out of here." He quickly added while grabbing his wife by the hand and half dragging her to their shared room.


Once there Gauche couldn't help but release a small sigh of relief, they were finally away from the craziness that was Luck and Magna, at least for now anyway. Grey walked over and sat on their bed, wringing her hands nervously as they sat in her lap. Gauche had noticed for the past few days she had been more nervous than usual, and that was saying a lot since she seemed to be nervous at least 65% of the time normally. He frowned slightly.

" Is everything ok Grey? You seem more tense than usual." He asked and watched her jump slightly at his question, apparently she was lost in thought.

" I-I'm fine! Just thinking is all." Grey tried to assure him and yet it did nothing to soothe his unease, whenever she was anxious it would sometimes do the same to him so for both their sakes (mainly hers) he would try to do whatever he could in order to ease or at least leasen her anxiety a bit. He looked down in his hand and noticed he still had his Marie figure in it. 'I must've grabbed it before we left the room.' Gauche assumed as he walked over and put it on a dresser that housed other Marie figures.

"Y'know," he started as a soft smile appeared on his face. " I remember when Marie was a baby just like it was yesterday, she was so cute, so tiny. I sometimes forget how much she's actually grown up and how she doesn't really need me anymore." He added as he looked over the figurines. It was true, it was like Gauche had blinked and suddenly Marie was turning into a young woman. It was bittersweet. Soon she would start dating, possibly get married, and maybe even have kids...the thought of this really tugged at his heart.

" That's not true Gauche," Grey said as she suddenly stood up from the bed. " No matter how much older Marie gets she'll always need her older brother. Besides, it's not just her that needs you. The squad needs you, I need you, and..." She trailed off suddenly, Gauche turned to look at her, she was wringing her hands again and her face had turned a bright shade of red.

" 'And' what?" He asked curiously, it was almost like the night she had proposed. It was like she was trying to muster up the courage to just say it.

" And...our baby will need you too!" Grey told him softly yet with a somewhat determined sounding voice, she had stopped wringing her hands but held them tightly to her chest, her eyes were shut tight even though she was already looking down at the ground.

" Our what?" Gauche asked, his voice suddenly going dry. Did she just say...'our baby'? He blinked and shook his head a bit as though he were trying to get something out of his ears. He wasn't sure if he had heard her right, he believed he did, but he just wanted to make sure.

" I-I-I said, our baby." Grey repeated a little louder this time, she still had her eyes shut tightly and it appeared she wouldn't open them anytime soon. Gauche swallowed a lump in his throat at the confirmation, 'So that means...I'm going to be a father?' He couldn't help but smile at the thought. His family was growing. Suddenly a small image of a child appeared in his mind, a perfect mix of both him and Grey. Of course it had her beautiful smile, maybe even her shyness, and that was completely fine by him. Gauche walked up to Grey and pulled her into his arms and wrapped her in a tight hug, though not too tight. It seemed to surprise her as he heard a small gasp.

" G-Gauche?" Grey squeaked out before relaxing into the hug and placing her hands onto his chest. Gauche was so overwhelmed with emotion he couldn't think of another way to express it other than just to hold her in his arms.

" S-So...you're not angry with me?" Grey asked shyly as she pulled away to look at him, Gauche looked at her with a frown.

" Why would I be angry with you?" He was genuinely curious and she looked away from him.

" B-Because when I went to the doctors...I heard a couple of women talking and they were saying how sometimes men get angry when they're w-wives or girlfriends tell them that and...it..." Grey trailed off as her face turned an even brighter shade of red.

" It scared you." Gauche concluded and when she nodded he pulled her closer to him once again.

" I promise," he whispered softly into the crook of her neck. " I will protect you both until I breath my final breath. I will make sure you're both happy, healthy, and never have to want for anything ever. If I ever fail to make good on any of my promises I'll do whatever I have too in order to make it right." He promised before placing a soft kiss to her neck and then pulling away in order to place a tender kiss on her lips, which she reciprocated.

" Wait until I tell Marie, she's going to be so excited about being an aunt." Gauche said after he pulled away, Grey giggled and nodded firmly before adding.

" And the others too! They're going to be extra excited!" Gauche groaned at the reminder. That was not a conversation he was excited about having. But seeing at how happy and excited Grey was to tell the other Black Bulls, he was more than willing to go through with it.

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