air is not real

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air is not real yes the thing that help us breath 

is not real how you might us well its fiction science fiction

air is not real why well were in another planet after earth

is distroy  from russia and amarica lauch all of there bomb plane and other milatary weapon

all human  was a vacuated so fast that no one remeber it now its 3050 now no one now what is earth or so okay

now we are in a new pl anet named autra

and air in not in this planet and many people is thinking that  air is not real 

but who knows soo were fiding earth

were using our spaceship BUt theres only one problem 

were in a another galazy and basily were lost from earth

earth is barly remembered

only a old person

so some small caculation say that were 1qa meters away

and we dont know where milkyway and earth is os it  can be more far or more close

to us and cheese cheese is the only thing that is left on earth and earth is distroid so most likey

 we can find earth with old people DNA and we found that we were more far than our coculation

thing so but we dont know so were gonna get closer

hey this is 320 year later hey we found milky way just not yet earth and 

we some how found a satelite connection when we reached milkyway and it say that were 1523 m

away so were going closer to  the right which say that were going closer like from 1523 m 

to 1522 m to say

HEY this is 523 year later we found distroid earth the only problem is its way too hot to go into the land to breathe some air

and some sciencetist say that we might choke after not felling air for too long

so were making experiment about the hotness so scientist can make us a hot resitens body suit 

that can take years to make anyways im gonna store this in side migranite its the new dirt

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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