Chapter 26

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Jimin had finished his lecture for the day and had just stepped out of one more auditorium, finding Daniel waiting for him by the corridor the same way he had found him, from the moment he had stepped out of his class, without giving him back his bag, because the notes he had kept were not satisfying enough. The younger seemed to be very in need of his belongings, enough to be tailing him around all day, waiting for him to finally decide and give him back his bag.

"Follow me to my office." Was all Jimin told him as he passed by him, feeling a bit tired of seeing his face all day, looking at him with those pleading eyes that he knew well that hid inside them all the curse words that he most likely was spitting in his head about him?

He walked casually down the corridors, not caring much about the existence of the guy as his thoughts travelled to the phone call he had with Taehyung an hour or so ago. He felt a little be unsure if it was a good idea to leave Taehyung to attend that event alone but he sure was too busy and unwilling to go. He had a hair appointment to go to and paperwork from the company to look over, to not mention the lesson materials and presentations he had to make for the upcoming classes he had to give.

The day sure seemed to long to him to be adding more to it and the fact that he was basically wrecked from the night prior was not helping either. All he would like to do was return home and finish his work then maybe pass by your house and cuddle you to sleep. Was it absurd that he had missed you when he saw you not so long ago? He couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought, as he finally reached the doorstep of his office and unlocked the door, entering inside while Daniel stood by the door frame.

"I hope such a thing don't occur again because I assure you next time, I won't be so tolerant towards your tardiness. If you aren't committed to your studies then please don't bother coming." Jimin spoke as he left his suitcase at the side of his desk and proceeded to take hold of Daniel's bag which he had left to his office.

"It won't happen again, Sir." Daniel bowed his head, feeling the anxiety inside him reaching its peak because he was left in anxiety for all these hours just because of that damn notebook.

If only Jahyun had come before classes and had taken it from him, he wouldn't have been under this pressure right now. Having him calling him about the notebook every five minutes and pressuring him to go meet up with him, but how could he go, when he didn't even have it? Jimin was playing with his life and did not even know it.

He lifted his head slightly as he heard Jimin's footsteps approaching, his hopes of finally taking his bag rising up a bit. He felt a slight feeling of joy as he saw his bag being reached to him and once he brought his hands around it and finally took it again in his possession, he found it a bit difficult to suppress the smile that threatened to creep on his lips.

"You may go." That was all Jimin told him before he turned his back on him and proceeded to walk back to his desk, hearing the thankful words that escaped from Daniel's lips before he finally closed the door for him, taking his leave.

Jimin took his seat on his chair, his body lying comfortably back as his eyes travelled towards the door where the young guy previously was. A smirk took over his lips as he couldn't help but enjoy this moment a bit too much. How much of a fool he was thinking that he could play against him.

"Poor soul" He uttered under his breath as his tongue escaped from his mouth and moisturised his lips, on his face an expression that resembling mischief and evilness.

---Change of set---

Elle stood by the door, waving and smiling at you while you left the building and entered the taxi which you had called to come to get you. Not two but three hours earlier from the time you were to be off work.

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