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Hey my name is Bella,but my mates call me belle(yes like beauty and the beast ) I have chestnut hair,dark brown eyes,and an hourglass figure, and I'm in this hell hole of an asylum once again,and have been for the past month, and all because I tried to kill myself, wow over reacting much. I've been placed in a massive room and all I have is a bed my iPhone 5c my sketch pad and my fall out boy posters so its pretty bare I guess,I was woken up pretty early for school, good thing about today is that I get to see Chasidy, she has an hour glass figure,long blonde hair and dark blue eyes, I've known her since I was 3 and we've grown up together, she's like a sister to me and gives me hope.

I walked over to this big dinning room area full of tables and chairs pretty bare but was were everyone hung out, there's a cafeteria big at the top, I only got an apple for breakfast I wasn't really hungry, but got made to eat,I spotted Chasidy to my right and walked towards her "hey" she greeted me "hey" I greeted back "have you heard about the new boy", I looked at Chasidy like she spoke alien.

"There's a new boy?" I said really confused I normally notice new people before Chasidy,she isn't very observant, "yeH, his name is Niall,and he's here for attempting suicide and self harm" I looked at Chasidy with my mouth open why was I so shocked and why haven't I seen him,and why do I feel like I know him.

I eventually closed my mouth and we both headed to class,this morning we have, Art,Drama,and maths. Art is my favourite subject and Drama is Chasidy's. Mr Holland invited us in and we all took out seats(we have a seating plan which I alright considering we all just about get along) 10 minutes into our lesson a tall brown haired with blonde tips,blue eyed boy walked in it must have been Niall because I've never seen him before "Right class this is Niall and he is new,please take a seat next to Bella" my eyes darted to the seat next to me it was empty my heart raced as this beautiful boy walked past me and sat in the seat next to me

It was very silent between us until he broke the silence "h-hi I'm N-Niall" he stuttered I froze I didn't know what to say and sound normal,I gathered all my courage up and.."hi I'm B-Bella,but everyone calls me b-belle" I stuttered,I felt a rage of victory pass threw my body "like the beauty and the beast belle?" I blushed a little, knowing I didn't much up and that he knew beauty and the beast, I smiled and nodded my head

Class was over,me and Chasidy walked to Drama, so many things were rushing threw my head, I was thinking about Niall and the victorious conversation and how he sits next to me and how my picture of a tiger didn't look to bad "BELLE!!!" I jerked my head towards Chasidy I must of zoned out for a while, then I felt 100 eyes staring at me as my cheeks heated up a lot, "hi sorry I zoned out, erm what were you saying" I felt very rude for zoning out like that "I said omg I can't believe Niall sits next to you he's very hot what's he like" I smiled to myself thinking about his brownish blonde hair and blue eyes just then I froze when I was speaking to him I didn't realise he's Irish, out of all the countries it had to be Irish, now I have to be careful or I'll get lost in his perfection "you like him don't you" Chasidy smirked "I do not" I said in defence "yes you do you smiled when I asked what's he go on tell me"

"He's tall, he's got beautiful brown hair with blonde tips and eyes as blue as the Hawaiian ocean" I realised what I said and blushed dramatically and smiled to myself "awe Belles got a cruuuush Belles got a cruuuuush" holding out the U,I blushed even more "ok maybe I do but don't say anything were not supposed to have relationships,strict rules" I exclaimed,Chasiday saw the look on my face and embraced me into a hug,nobody ever really hugs me so I just sort of froze, but I hugged her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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