Chapter 1

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A mysterious person lost in the middle of nowhere.

A traveller out for a journey.

A person seeking for someone.

Three different people in the sea, on one's own boats full of supplies, hoping to see someone, hoping to be seen, hoping to be free.

A streak of beautiful long line that brought light in the darkness of the sky as if it was signalling someone to follow it.

The three different people who saw hope in that one beautiful long streak line took their boat paddle and paddled along the clear blue water as they followed it slowly and slowly the beginning of their journey started.

As they paddled along the clear blue water their hopes got bigger and bigger every time the boat paddle hit the water, every time the boat move, their minds were focused into the falling star.

'Will I be free?' 'Will someone see me?' 'Will someone be with me for eternity?' Their thoughts as they continued to move the paddle and paddled along the clear blue water.

The moon reflected on the water, the uncountable stars in the sky, the beautiful long streak of line, and the hopes they have were the most beautiful things ever existed in the universe.

Hopes that can't be crushed, tired shoulders that can't stop them from paddling, hopes that give them the reason to go on, the falling star who was the cause of the hope they have.

The beautiful long streak line disappeared from their sight as they saw a solitude island neither big nor small.

'Will I see the hope I was hoping for?' 'Shall I go and discover something for my life to spark?' 'Will I be not on my own starting from now on?' 'Will this island change my life?' Their thoughts as they took off their boats.

As their foot touched the land their hopes started to go up as they feel it, what their wanting for is here, it's definitely here.

Then as they realized their feet won't stop walking as if it was telling them not to stop as if the red string of fate are pulling them closer.

Their feets took them into the place of nowhere. No light, no signs of someone.

The person who was seeking for someone turned his back saying this line 'Again? False hope was all I felt all of it was an illusion,'

The traveller out for a journey also turned his back saying this line 'I suppose it's time to give up for I have no hope left,

Then the mysterious person didn't turned his back but instead he spoke. "Where are ye going? We shall spend our life here as the fate brought us three together,"

As they were surprised they faced the person who spoke. "Thou shall speak his name," The traveller said as he demanded.
"Fate didn't brought us together it was a mere illusion," The person who seek for someone said as he lost all hope he had.

"There's no such thing as a mere illusion of hope and giving up is not an option," The mysterious spoke up his mind as the other two slowly started to have hope again.
"Shall we spend a night to test if this was all a mere illusion?" The mysterious person continued as the other two nodded.

"Well if thou shall spend a night here it seems like I have no choice but to join you so shall we get our supplies and bring it here?" The traveller suggested as they nodded and took their own supplies.

It was a silent night as they walked to their own boats. Leaves crushing under your feet, the dark eerie night, the small noises of animals, the cold breeze night brushing against their skins as they shivered.

As they met up again and started to share their supplies they started to get everything ready as they build up a tent, started a fire, cooked their foods, their bonds started to get closer and closer.

As they started eating it was a complete silence for they were enjoying their foods as they ate. The moon shines above them giving them a light as the moonlight struck them it felt like their hopes returned. The uncountable sparkling stars who also joined the moon in lighting the sky made it unbearable not to look. The three of them looked up at the sky as they wished.

'May I find the freedom I seek' 'May I find the reason to light the darkness inside me' 'May I not be alone' Was their wish as they continued eating.

The moon who were smiling at them and the stars who were in joy for them as they slowly started their journey for this was just the beginning.

As they finished eating they stood up and thanked for the food they ate as their stomachs were full they rested for a while as the island were peaceful they listened to the small sounds of animals.

"For we have been here for a long time and shared our food thou haven't told us his name yet for he was the one who told us to stay. Shall we know your name?" The traveller said as he remembered they haven't knew each other names yet.

"Oh pardon my rudeness," The mysterious person said as he stood up as the moonlight struck him they saw his face more clearly. Unkept light brown hair, and golden eyes. "My name is Rouli Lavireti, 22 years old, just a lost person in the middle of the sea" He said as he greeted them shook their hands one by one.

He sat back to his seat as he said "Then how about ye shall speak ye names too?" As the traveller stood up starting to introduce himself.

Like the mysterious person he was an attractive man. A sharp jawline, tidy brown hair, and ocean like eyes. "Marinio Kaviente, 22 years old, a traveller," He said as he shook their hands.

The person who seeks for someone stood up and introduced himself. He was quite an attractive man. A messy brown hair, emerald like eyes and a sharp jawline. "Laviro Torieno, 22 years old, seeking for someone," He said as he smiled to them showing his pearl white teeth and is the most friendly out of them as he shook their hands one by one.

"Well seems like this isn't too bad," Marinio said as it seems like he was enjoying this.
"I agree as well shall we spend our life here for eternity?" Laviro said as he agreed.
"Hm... shall we?" Marinio said as he looked at Rouli.
"Yeah, we shall spend here for eternity let's start our journey tonight and mark this as the beginning of our life for the bond we started to make will be much stronger and stronger," Rouli said as they all agreed as well.

They went inside their own tents saying good night to each other as they laid down looking forward for tomorrow as they started to sink to the darkness as they fell asleep.

The journey of these three people started right now for this was only the beginning of their journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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