Another day on the island, my Phone at 51% and paddle broken, but I am getting used to the surroundings.
I wanted to get started on a new paddle so I searched and searched and finally found some trees.
What was I going to cut it down with you ask? My trusty Knife, given to me by my great grandfather, I call it the Ol'Cutta.
I've got to admit, I'm kinda worried about my knife... It's about 8 years old already, but it's been through everything! Thin pieces of paper to thick metal bars, you name it he'll cut it!
As I finished cutting the tree, it was already about 1:00pm. And no scratches on my knife at all. Which is nice.
I started carving a new paddle out. It is harder than you think it is.
2 hours flew by, and I'm just done with only 10% of it.
This is going to take a long time I thought to myself.
I took a fish break and started eating it...raw. It tasted...well, raw and really really bad.
So I was stupid enough not to start a fire and cook it. WOW. Great job me.
So after I got that stupidity taken care of, it was already 9:00pm.
I'd say today was a pretty successful day. Don't you think?
14% of the boat done and also only lost 4% of my battery today. Oh yeah, and the great fish buffet I had was the best part.
Again laid down on my sand pillow but not in the boat this time. It was near the fire. The warmth was very soothing.