Chapter 56

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The couple was spiraling, twisting.

Dean tried to launch at Alice but with her eyes glazed over, not looking at him, she sees his moves before he makes them. Out of nowhere, Alice is perched on Dean's back; she kisses his neck, "Gotchya!"

The wolves had felt uncomfortable at this but it didn't bother Alice and Dean much especially with Dorothea cheering and whistling at them to get a room. 

After many hours, Dorothea taught that the training is over, getting off the jeep to get ready to head home to cuddle with Jasper as he reads her his beloved history book but the plan failed when Edward spoke up. "They are asking for Thea to show her skills in the battle here."

Dorothea looks at the wolves before Edward the translater, before she could object Carlisle spoke up. "I think it's a grand idea you train a little before the battle." / "But it's not me to fight. I usually dwell from afar where my abilities are at the most helpful." Dorothea tried to reason with her father.

When a battle like this occurs, Dorothea never fought it head-on just staying behind and helping when needed, this causes Bella and the wolves to become more interested in her fighting style.

"Come on, darl. A little fight won't hurt yah." Jasper conversed with her but with a teasing tone like she wasn't able to even handle a single vampire. "What's that supposed to mean. I can handle a fight!" Dorothea stomped in front of Jasper who wasn't bothered as a teasing smirk was still on his face, clear.

Dean and Emmet were prompt to note this and join the taunting. Feeling confident since Jasper did start the taunting against his wife.

"Jas is right. Little itty bitty princess Thea isn't even able to kill for her own meal. How is she going to face the world, Dean?" Emmet spoke with fake concern which made Dorothea tick and Jasper more amused.

"Oh, our little Thea is gifted with wondrous powers. But I'm afraid she is too weak and fragile to survive a battle without her abilities. I'm sorry that you wolves won't be able to see her-" Dean next, as he leans against Emmet, acting like a damsel that's too pretty and kind to hurt a fly.

"Fine! I'll bring you a fight! I could fight you two off!" Jasper grinned like a cat, successfully turning his wife's anger switch and away from the scene. He even found it amusing how when tempered, Dorothea loses her antique poise way of talking.

Dean and Emmet halted a good minute before slowly turning their head stiffly to see a burning angry Dorothea, flames clear in her eyes as she plans for her sibling's funeral in her head, her voice wasn't anymore the cute tone it usually has.

They gave Jasper a glance for aid, mentally on their knees begging but can't physically when Dorothea pulled them into the middle of the training grounds. Rose and Alice didn't bother helping their mates, instead began supporting Dorothea's future win.

Carlisle had let out an exhalation at his children's stupidity to provoke the youngest while Esme had a soft chortle but sweat breaking at the scene.

Jasper gave an innocent look at his brothers when Dorothea's grip on their collar was too tight they felt their necks cracking, Jasper neglected Emmet and Dean's scared eyes, instead, he felt proud of Dorothea since he personally trains the girl.

"They're going to be alright. Right?" Just as Bella asked that Dorothea was able to throw Dean, ten times her size over her body, right to a tree making it break into two. Bella squeaked in shock but Dean's pained groan scared her more.

"She won't kill them. She loves them too much." Jasper's tone wasn't a bit worried for Dean which made Edward sigh while Bella was terrified but very pleased with Dorothea's power.

Emmet took this opportunity to launch on Dorothea, making her land harshly on the ground, which seems to cross her more, and Emmet took note of it. "D-Dean! Get your ass here- !" Dorothea had turned them over, with a secure grip on Emmet's collar to bring him near her monstrous face, showing him her clear bloodlust to see him in pain before smashing his head brutally on the ground.

Dean wasn't even able to touch the girl, as Dorothea had already seen what his move was going to be when she threw him.

Dorothea moved the fastest in all her life that it was blurred for a moment before it becomes clear she was on Dean's shoulder like Alice was previously but she had her fang out on his neck and with any small movement Dean made, he knew he would be dead.

"Jasper..."Jasper turns to the caller, seeing Esme and Carlisle giving a point to soothe down the tension considering that he started the drama, chuckling a bit when he looks at the scene back again.

Emmet groaned on the ground while holding his neck at the slight crack while Dean stood completely still like a statue. Jasper also notices a few wolves had taken a step back in fear or just frozen at what they saw.

Bella was in complete hysteria not knowing a sweet small kind Dorothea who would forgive anyone easily and be able to almost crack Emmet's head whose body towered over hers two times, and Dean a professional at hunting suspended in fear.

When Jasper steps up to get closer to Dorothea, Bella was about to stop him, afraid of what would happen to him but Edward stops her. "Don't forget, Jasper can manipulate emotion. He'll just put Thea to sleep before she could reach him. He's also her mate, she won't be able to hurt him."

Just like Edward said, when Dorothea refuses to stop, still mad at Emmet and Dean, Jasper used his power to calm her down to the point she becomes drossy. Dorothea had gently fallen on Jasper's arm making Dean fall on the ground dramatically beside Emmet but fear was still clear in both their eyes.

"It's not fair, Jas. You started this -" / "- So why the hell are we the one suffering from this."

Jasper just laughs at them, taking Dorothea to his jeep while Carlisle and Edward end the training today. Rose and Alice helped the 2 built boys to stand as they felt like their souls have left their bodies while Esme tries to cheer them up.

"Cheer up boys. I'm sure it would be a fair fight if she didn't still drink human blood." Despite Esme's cheerful voice, trying to find a great excuse to bring them their pride, Dean and Emmet frown at losing to a 16-year-old who is ten times smaller than them.

Seeing everyone busy, Bella went up to Jasper once he finished covering Dorothea with his jacket on the passenger seat. "Jasper... Are you sure, there's nothing I can do to help?"

Jasper approaches her kicking the mud from his shoes while brushing dirt off. "Your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over, drive them crazy."

"Good. I'm glad. Hey. How do you know so much about this?"

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