Together forever

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I remember the first time I saw a human, I imagined horrible and cruel beings, but that was when I saw Chara; for a brief moment I thought it was the fallen angel of the famous legend: brown hair like chocolate, smooth skin and full of scratches...

Yes, that's when I noticed that the angel had really fallen and needed help, I took their arm and put it on my shoulder, I was taking them to my parents to help them. After a few steps, the child finally said something: "Thank you for helping me". A human's voice is so different from monsters, I don't know what it is, the same sounds come out, but it has a different timbre.  Tickled me.


— Chaaaaraaaa, not yeeeeet???

— No! Wait a little longer! Let me use bathroom in peace!

— Ahh, why so longgg? Let's play, hurry — complaining, little Asriel sits on the floor in front of the bathroom door that separated him from his best friend

— Ready! We can go! — the door slams — Let's play!

— Finally! I thought I was going to become a statue because I was so still. — says puffing out his cheeks

— Asriel — Chara takes the goat's hand — Today we're going to the flower garden, right?

— Yea! Hehe — holds hand tightly

On the way to their destination, the little one stared at the strands of hair, those returned an orange streak. So beautiful... Again he admires the human's coat, he loved to touch them while they went to sleep, the smell of his close one soothed him in any situation. The temperature of the human's hand was higher than his, so he liked to hold hands on a cold day, although the little monster had a coat of hair.

— Wow! — Chara exclaims and stops walking — Look at the flowers!! — in front of the two there was a giant carpet of red, blue, lilac, orange, black, white, yellow, well, colored flowers.

— Wowie! It is much more flowery than last time! Chara!  Chara! — running towards the carpet — Yaaaay !! — rolls on the flowers

— Azzy! You are hurting the flowers! — try to raise your friend

— Chara, but it's fluffy, come!

— A-AsriE — without even being able to refuse the offer, is pull to the carpet

— It's fluffy, right?! — kid asks with bright eyes

— ... — the who was knocked down gets pissed for moments, but — .... yes, it is fluffy yes, silly Asriel

— Hehe, I toldo you, didn't I? — he holds hands with his best friend and looks at the "sky" — How is the sky?

— Oh, as I said, it changes color and clarity: in the morning it is light orange that turns light blue, and then it becomes reddish or sometimes even pink! At night it's very black, but inside it, the stars and the moon shine, it's very beautiful... — while explaing, the brown eyes, like their hair, seem to draw what they remember

— .... Chara — holds hands firmly other one's hand — You know, I really like the time I spend with you: they are fun, happy, I don't even notice the time passing. And when I see you smiling, I smile too, your happiness gives me joy. Chara! I want to make you happy!  What do I need to do?!

— .... Azzy, it makes me very happy, you know, to know that I am important to you.... Since you are very important to me too — getting embarrassed, put your head down

— Eh, eh, do you like my company?

— Mhm

— Are you happy when we are together?

— Yes, very much....

— .... Do you want to stay with me forever?

— ? But aren't we already?

— Ah, eh, y-knoe! Like a promise! Yea! That we will be together forever!

— Oh, yes, yes! I want! I want to be with you always, Azzy !! I want to make that promise!

— Ah, but Mom said that can only do that when she is an adult....

— Oh... it'll take some time.... — two kids saddened. Until

— Ah! But there is something we can do right now! — Asriel, having a brilliant idea, searches on the flower carpet

— Azzy? What are you doing?

— Wait a minute, I'll be real quick!

— O-ok, I'll wait here

Chara sits next to him and picks up a golden flower to play "he loves me, he loves me not", from time to time looked in the direction of the monster, but he hid what he was doing, always saying he was finishing. Laughing at the fact that heard it more than 20 times, goes back to playing guessing luck.

— I-finished it! — Standing up suddenly, he makes the petal spiter fall to the ground, since he was used as a back support — Chara!

— Yea? — adjusting his fallen body, takes some flowers out of their hair from time to time.

— Do you agree to get engaged with me? — that said, he opens his hand and there are two rings made with flowers

— En-engagement ?!  So the promise is...?

— Marriage.... I want to marry you when I grow up! Do-do you accept....?

— Yes Yes Yes! If that's how I can stay with you forever, yes, I do! I like all monsters here, I love daddy goats and I love you! — together with the last statement, he jumps on the person who made the engagement request and hugs him very tightly

— Ahh, really? Really, you're not lying, are you?

— No, I'm not lying, I always want to be by your side, whatever it takes, I would

— ..... Cha-Chara.... let's put the rings?

Facing each other, sitting in and surrounded by flowers, heart beating. They exchange alliances, they are thus engaged. It hasn't really changed that way, but they both feel happy and more firm about their promise. That was a common day and it will be eternal, because it'll come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after that... in short, it will last forever days like this.

That important day was a few weeks ago before they mistook butter for poisonous flowers...

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