Our spot

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I'm finally writing my elevan fanfic! I'm really excited and have some really good ideas for this one, and I know that many people have requested it. This chapter is dedicated to Rylauren because they have been requesting this for so long. I hope you all like it.

Avan POV: 

There has always been something about Liz that I liked, maybe it was her spunky attitude just like what Beck liked about Jade but I don't like that's it. Of course, Liz is pretty but I don't think that's it either. I think it's because I always felt safe with her like I could do anything or be anyone around her without judgment. I mean, we always kinda liked each other but we never did anything because what would we do if we broke up? But today, since we are filming "Tori Fixes Jade and Beck" I figured I would shoot my shot with her... 

As soon as my alarm rang I got the reminder to stop daydreaming about Liz and start getting ready. I usually wake up at around 5:00 am because it takes me a while to get ready (Which Liz always teased me about) and I like to take a shower before I get to set. 

While in the shower I was trying to think about how I would ask her out, she doesn't like anything too romantic but she also wants whatever anyone does to be from the heart so... OH! I suddenly remember this beach me and her used to go to after filming the first couple of episodes to get to know each other. If I take her there again and ask her out it would be perfect. Now all I need is flowers, (I think roses are her favorite) and maybe we could have a picnic there. 

I get out of the shower and dry my hair quickly because by now it's 5:45 and Liz comes to drive me to set with her at 6:00. After I get everything all set and ready to go. I hear a familiar voice outside yelling at me 
"Avan Jogia get your butt out here now! I don't want to be late"
I laugh a little and quickly run outside
"Don't be sorry be on time, we have to get to set, I'm really excited about this episode"
"Why? Cause you get to kiss me again?" I say, smirking at her.
"No! It's just... it's just what the fans want." She says trying to hide her rosy cheeks. 
"Sure... I can tell you're excited" I say jokingly,
"Whatever, you seem more excited than I am" 
"So you admit you're excited..." I say, nudging her a little bit. 
"That's not what I- ugh whatever" 
I laugh a little and for the rest of the car ride, we just talk about random things like our weekend and our families.

When we get out of the car I see everyone else already there and I see Victoria smirking at me. She knows I like Liz, I mean, it's pretty obvious to everyone but her apparently but Victoria was the first person I ever told I liked Liz. Well, she likes to point out that she "figured it out" I didn't tell her but whatever. I already memorized all of my lines yesterday so I felt pretty prepared, today I wasn't going to be in a lot of scenes, we were just filming Liz's song and the kiss and a couple of random scenes here and there. 

After we filmed a cafeteria scene we got to have actual lunch which was pretty gross but no one was expecting anything too exciting. We just got corn, some two day old salad, and some chips and other snacks. 

After lunch I couldn't wait until we filmed the kiss scene, I had been waiting for it ever since Jade and Beck broke up in the show. It definitely caught me off guard while reading the script and I couldn't help but feel sad knowing that me and Liz would have to hate each other for a long time. I was still zoning out when Liz sat next to me and asked
"Hey, you want a breath mint?" I laughed and gladly took one
"So your not nervous right?" she asked.
"About what?"
"Well the kiss we have to do"  
"No, should I be?" I said
"No, I just want it to be perfect, something fans will love" 
"They always love it, and I love yo-" I stop myself before I can finish my sentence and quickly get up, throw my food in garbage and walk toward Matt and Ariana. 

Shit! I almost said "I love you"!! How did that even happen?! Ugh, I really need to confess soon, I can't keep hiding this. 

I walk back over to where she is and say
"Hey, after this scene I was thinking maybe we could go down to the beach, we haven't been there in a while..."
"Sure!" She said. I look at her with a sweet smile and I'm about to say something when 


I quickly give Liz a look of reassurance and go to my spot while she heads to the stage. Victoria heads to over to me asks
"So... when you gonna tell her?" nudging me a little.
"I- well- tonight maybe..."
"OMG really?!" she yells
"Shush! can you keep it down!" I say, looking to the ground embarrassed.
"Okay well-" she starts but gets interrupted by Dan 


Liz song plays and we cheer and are all having fun. Songs are always the best part of every episode because it's like a private concert but this one was especially special. Since Dan told us to improv during our kiss scene me and Liz had a perfect plan. I was going to walk up all smug and say "I've missed you" and at first she was just going to say "Oh shut up and kiss me already" but instead she came up with an idea to say "so what are you gonna do about it?" and then we would kiss. 

I was so excited and when Dan yelled 


I walked up to the stage with butterflies in my stomach, like this was actually real life. I wish it was and I guess I was blindly saying my lines because before I knew it Liz kissed me and I felt... well a lot of things, in-love was definitaly a big one. After we pulled away I smiled at her and she laughed and looked down. 
"I miss this" I say
"Avan..." she whispered "That's not your line"
"I know" I whispered back and pulled her in for another kiss. I could feel her lips turn into a smile and see hear Vic cheering us on. 

A couple hours later 

We finally finished everything we were filming for today and Liz offers to take me home again 
"I thought we were going to the our spot?" I asked
"Oh yeah!" she says excited and hops in the car. 
I laugh at how excited she is. 

The drive to the beach was peaceful, it takes about an hour to get there so I was enjoying the view which I hadn't seen in a while and listened to some country song on the radio. About halfway through Liz turns down the radio and asks
"So, what you said on the stage earlier, what did you mean?"
"I meant what I said, I miss us being together, it's fun to boss you around" I say smirking
"Oh please! You're such a flirt" 
I laugh and look out the window again.

We finally arrive and open her truck and get out a blanket and some drinks. We set up in a nice private area close enough to the water and surprisely, no one is here. It's perfect though. After a lot of laughing and drinking, I stop to stare at her.
"What are you staring at?" She says still laughing 
"Well, Liz, I really like you, I like you more than a friend and I have been thinking about you a lot lately, mostly about what we are. I want us to be more than friends." I stop to think for a second and then say
"Liz, will you be my girlfriend?"

And.... That's the end of chapter one. I know that you guys have been waiting for this for... a very long time and I really hope you guys like it. Again thank you everyone for still supporting me even though I haven't been super active I still want everyone to know I appreciate the love and support. If you guys want a chapter dedicated to you then vote and leave a sweet comment. Again thank you guys so much! I hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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