I died..

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You're POV

"Everything was dark and I heard sirens and people screaming, What's going on?" I thought to myself I was so confused on why people were screaming and then...my heart sank right into my stomach that's when I saw it, It was my bloody body lying on the ground surrounded by paramedics 'Why is this happening to me what did I do to deserve this?!' I said to myself and I just wanted to hope this was a nightmare that I could wake up from and I curled up into a ball wanting this to end

"Are you ok you seem lost?"

As I was sitting there curled up in a ball I heard a voice and I looked up to see a boy who looked about 12-13 years old and he was wearing a school uniform and a hat, He had choppy hair with amber colored eyes "I-I died and I don't know what do" I continued to sob and I was so emotional that I didn't realize that he was able to see me even though I'm dead "Here let me help you" He said with a kind and soothing voice and he knelt down to me and hugged me "Everything will be alright because I know what you're going through" He said with the same soothing voice and then it hit me "How are you able to see me I thought I was dead?!?" was I really dead maybe this was all just a nightmare and I hadn't really died and I'll wake up and everything would be just fine I thought to myself but....I was wrong because when I had finally felt hope the boy with the amber eyes and hat told me "You are dead and the only reason I can see you is because I am just like you"

"What do you mean?" I said with a tone that almost sounded rude he looked at my bright E/C eyes and my H/L H/C hair and said "I am also dead also since you're a lost soul with no where to go I would like to propose something to you" I was so confused with what this boy was saying what did he mean he was dead and also what did he mean by propose something he then explained that he was also a ghost(Tho he preferred to be called an apparition)and he explained everything about the school wonders and all that shit and well tbh I was considering doing this but ofc I had to ask what would happen if I didn't accept his proposal and he said with a more sinister tone of voice "If you do not accept then you will continue to walk this earth as a soul with no hope, No meaning and soon you will be gobbled up by a stronger apparition" I then decided that I wanted a place and I did want to have a meaning and so I accepted his proposal but little did I know the hell I was getting myself into

(Heyo the names Phantom for those who are new to my work I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I'm sorry if this is bad this is my first time writing X Reader fanfiction anyway again thank you for reading and like I always say I hope you all have a good day or night byeeeee)

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