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If I Die Young-  Pilot

"Would you like to know how long until...?" Dr. Odesy trailed off, leaving the question open to my parents to answer. I heard a rustling inside and a movement of chairs as my mother let out a heart stopping sob. I chanced a peak through the rectangle window into Dr. Odesy's office. Inside sat the doctor facing the door on the far side of his desk. Looking grimly calm at my parents who were in an awkward embrace on the other side of the desk. They had the two separate chairs pulled together, my mom leaning over the chair arms into my dad's chest. My dad protectively hugged her to him his head low as he lovingly told her it would be okay. The chair arms were no dubitably sticking uncomfortably into my mothers abdomen as she cried, but she was too grief stricken to notice. It hurt to see her like this. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as I watched my mom's painful cries. I couldn't see either of my parent's faces but I didn't need to tell that they weren't at their best. My mothers blond hair that was usually tied back tightly without a piece astray was let loose, looking unhealthy from the lack of nutrition. And greasy from a mixture of sweat and tears. My fathers thick brown hair that once matched my own was slicked back from being pushed back from tense hands covered in sweat, tears, and grime. The greasy shine to both their hair showed the lack of sleep they had gotten, and the lack of bathing.

I pulled away from the window in fear of getting caught. Shakily I leaned against the bright white wall the cleansed air burning my nostrils as I breathed in a long breath. Slowly letting it out holding back the tears, my heart aching for my mother's spilt tears. I silently waited as my mother sobbed endlessly into my fathers arms. Waiting for my parents to give the doctor to go ahead. My body sizzling with pain from earlier in the day.

I stood waiting against the wall, nobody passing by giving me a second glance, listening as my mothers sobs got quieter and quieter until I could only hear her sniffles. My parents must have given Dr. Odesy the go ahead, because I heard the shuffling of papers and then the clack of a stapler and the soft whack of an old clipboard closing on a stack of paper.

"Well" Dr. Odesy's voice grim as he talked to my parents, "There is no easy way to tell you this" he paused thinking, "So I will just come right out and say it, your son only has two to three weeks to live, four if he's lucky." I heard my mother gasp as my own heart dropped, "His cancer has spread to the point where chemo therapy cannot help slow the process anymore. The cancer has spread too far for us to help any more. I'm so sorry, he's a good kid but there's nothing we can do at this point." The doctor sighed "The best thing to do now is to bring him home and enjoy the time you have left with your son." My mother broke down into a new set of sobs along with my father.


Hey everybody Tarin here. This is just a pilot for this book so if you like it then vote and/or comment and i will keep writing. The more votes and comments, the faster i will upload. I know this is a bit short but it was as much as I could fill in for the suspense, and i wanted to end the chapter where it ended and I promise that the actual chapters will be much longer than this.

Have a Happy Potato and Thanks For Reading!!

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