"Brielle Hawthorne."
I walked into the Training Center, with my head held high. It had been two days since the accident, yet chatter about it still rose throughout Panem. The Gamemakers sat up on a balcony, with a large feast and beverages. As soon as they saw me they started paying attention. Everyone wanted to know more about me and what caused me to punch Ceaser.
"Brielle Hawthorne, District 12." I told them and picked up the silver bow. I grabbed an arrow and loaded it onto the string.
I pulled back and took a deep breath. With my eye on the target, I let the string go. The arrow flew through the sir and hit the target with a POP!
I forced myself to look where it hit. Straight in the center. The Gamemakers looked at me, astonished.
I picked up another arrow and shot. Bullseye again. The Gamemakers were pretty impressed and I hope no suspicions rose about where I had practiced that.
At last I shot the third and final arrow and it hit the middle of the target.
"Thank you." Said this year's Head Gamemaker, Kirty Kimbell. He was a rather plump and short man with not a single hair on his head, yet a mustache so fat it looked like a squirrel lived there, and had 10 babies. Kirty also had about 4 chins and a very short- or no neck at all.
I walked out of the Center, feeling proud and accomplished.
"Great job!" My District 11 Mentor told me.
Since I was the last of all the tributes to go, me and my fellow District 12 tributes walked back to our apartment, together. We ate a very large dinner of steak and potatoes before we settled down on the couch to watch the announcement of scores.
My teammates did very good. Martin got a score of 8 with his dagger, Ava got a score of 9 with her ax, Percy got 6 with a sword, Milly got the lowest with a score of 5 and Luis got a 8 with his club.
Finally my score came.
"Brielle Hawthorne," Ceaser said, shaking his head. He apparentley didn't like me. "With a score of- wait what?"
Our apartment broke into a fit of whispers.
"A-a score of 12."
Everyone started screaming. Cici ran over and hugged me. I was too shocked to speak 12 is Hunger Games history. No one has ever gotten a 12. Until now.
"Wow!" Exclaimed Ceaser Flickerman. "That's history!"
A score 12 can be a good or bad thing, you see. The good part is that, sponsors feed on these things and give gifts. The bad part, is the Careers. That makes them want to kill me even more than they already do.
Which is a lot.
ФанфикWhat if Effie Trinket's hand inched away from Primrose Everdeen's name at the Reaping?What if Katniss never volunteered? There was no act of rebellion, so there was no rebellion. Katniss never fell in love with Peeta and married Gale. Brielle Hawtho...