Coming Back Home

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Zendaya P.O.V
I'm finally going home to see my hometown! I love my people down there. I hate it up here because they so boogie. I bet yAll thought I was so boogie and I'm not hood. Nope! That's my twin sister, Daya. I'm the outgoing and tomboy twin.

I can't wait to see my grandmother she took care of us when our mother died when we was 7. I love my grandmother so much she's like a mom to me now. OMG I just can't wait! I can't wait to see my old friends.

Daya's P.O.V
I just can't believe that our show ended. I hate it! We have to come back to our stupid hometown. All those people down there is so hood. I hate my daddy right now he just had to send us back.

Then we have to stay with our grandmother and our older sister Autumn. They get on my nerves. I know what our grandmother did was great but she did something that I will never forget to Zendaya, Autumn, and I.

Autumn's P
I can't wait until my little sisters come down here. I had to go to school today, but I really don't want to.

When I walk down the hallway all I heard was
"Hey Autumn"
"Looking good Autumn"
I guess I'm the popular girl in the school. One boy say "Can I get ur number", a boy came up beside me and said "Yea here it go 2516355450"(made it up) but that wasn't my number and I turn around and it was my sweet overprotective Boyfriend, Derrick. " Really" I said, "Yea really! U mines🔐💕" I blushed. I can't until my homgirls come down here" Derrick said. "I can't wait too"

The last bell finally rung! And now I have to meet my little sisters at the airport.

I Just Want to be NormalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin