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I hate summer. It's always so damn hot. The sun burns you, you sweat your ass off and the beach's are packed. What's with that? People think it's so fun. But what do I know, I'm just a 17 year old, good for nothing. I much prefer winter. The cool breeze, wearing warm jumpers, sitting in front of the fire place. That's more my style. Why does it only come once a year? I wish it was winter all year round but that's not the way the world works.

"Elio! Comm'on man! What are ya doing? Waiting for winter to come!" A loud laugh followed. I looked up and chuckled slightly "Something like that". It almost feels like my friends can read my mind sometimes but I can't say I'm hard to read either. Luca grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, yanking me closer before putting his arm over my shoulders and leaning on me. "Your always off in your own little world!" He snickered. I frowned and shoved him off, "Your heavy and it's to hot." I grumbled. Luca and I have been friends since elementary school, best friends even, though he hasn't changed at all, he's exactly the same as the first time we met.

"You've always hated summer huh?" He said, putting his hands behind his head as he continued walking beside me. "Anyway, my mum asked if you were coming for dinner again tonight." Luca said, glancing over to me. I held the strap of my bag a bit tighter, "Ah, yeah, only if that's ok with your mum though, of course." I replied, looking back infront again. Lately my mother and I haven't been getting along. Not because of anything in particular, she can't seem to stand me. So I've been trying to be at home as little as possible to avoid her as much as possible. Luca nodded "No problem man. Mum doesn't mind, I think she likes the extra company." He said, closing his eyes and exhaling deeply. Even though I haven't told him, Luca knows about my situation, he's always been able to see straight through me. But it's nice, it's nice to know that I don't have to tell him about what's going on and he never pressures me to, he just knows.

Luca put his arms down, putting his hands in the pockets of his shorts, "What class do we have first up?". I sighed, "Again? You really need to start remembering this sort of thing." Luca laughed, "Hey you know I don't have enough room in my head to remeber that." He said, tapping his head with a smirk on his face. I laughed with him, "Your right, you are a dumb ass." I chuckled, watching Lucas expression change to a frown, "Aye, unfair." He pouted. I lightly tapped his shoulder with my fist with a small chuckle, "Hey, you know I'm joking." I looked forward as we walked through the school gate. We go to a high level public school, only students with the best grades in middle school make it in to our school. So I have no idea how Luca got in. (Jk jk)

After a long, tiring day at school, Luca and I made our way to our usual cafe. We always come here. It has a nice aura about it. It's hidden away in a not very populated part of town so not many people at our school know about it. They make the best drinks and sweet treats, we have been coming here since we were middle schoolers. We sat down at our usual table in the corner. "What you want?" Luca asked, I gave him a look in return as we both laughed, "I know, I know, the usual." He chuckled and walked over to the counter. I watched as he walked away, my chest beginning to tighten. I grabbed my chest and sighed, "There's no way I can tell him..." I muttered under my breath before Luca returned. "Hey what's with that look on ur face!" He teased, pulling my cheeks with a chuckle. "Let me go!" I said, giggling slightly. Luca sat down and as usual, we talked for hours, we always get caught up talking when we are here, it's difficult not to.

Luca looked at his phone, "Oh shit, it's late, we better get home, dinner will be ready soon." We both got up, gathered our things and ran all the way back to Luca's house. He slammed the door open as we both proceeded to collapse on the floor inside, laughing and panting heavily. A shadow came over us, we looked up to see Luca's mum standing there, chuckling as she shook her head. I rolled over on to my back, "You both didn't have to run all the way here." She said with a chuckle, seeing us panting and sweating on the floor, "Clean up then come join us for dinner." She said with a kind smile before walking to the dining room. Luca's Mum is so nice, I sometimes wished she was my Mum. Luca got up and grabbed my handing, yanking me up as well, "You want to have a shower?" He asked, his breath finially coming back. "Yeah, I'll go ahead then have dinner." I said, walking past him and going upstairs to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I looked in the mirror, a blush covering my face, my heart beating a little faster, 'What is wrong with me?'. I sighed then got undressed and showered for dinner.

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