The Book of Insanity

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It was a cold December night and the wind was howling outside my window. The games he played were sick and twisted, but I didn’t know if I loved him or not. You always get lost here. It’s a maze with no way out or any way of knowing what’s around the next bend. If you lose someone you can’t find them only he can bring them to you.

He is the creator. Picks up your heart and soul in your time of need then drops you here to rot. The only way to survive is to spark his attention. I’ve been here for 5 years. The normal amount of time you have is about a week until he makes a game out of you.

My only companions in this hell hole are the dying rats. If only it weren’t for the stupid book. The book… where did I leave it? Am I going insane or is my brain rotting with the love I used to feel? I sometimes think he forgot about me but he still comes for his weekly show.

He reminds me of the need for a new adventure every time he visits and how if the need isn’t provided I’ll end up like the others. Who are the others? Are there more like me? I still fantasize that one day I’ll get out and he’ll never find me again. It’s impossible to not be found though.

            I know I am going to die soon…the book will tell you a story of lust, sadness, and pure insanity if I can remember correctly. I think I left it with him, in his chambers of pain. You’ll go through sins that even the devil can’t imagine to get it. Then you may fall on the same path as me, unless you can escape. He carries the keys with him…… Make sure if you escape to never come back this lesson I never learned.


Alice’s POV

Alex and I needed privacy so we followed a path that cut right through an old hill. It brought us to a garden that hasn’t been tended to for years. We found our way to a bench and our eyes met. He pulled me close and we smashed our lips into each other. He made me feel giddy especially when his tongue seemed to explore my mouth and entwine with mine.

I could live in this moment forever but it doesn’t work that way. We both pulled away for air and as we came in for more I heard a twig crunch. Out of the darkness walked out Sarah, Kevin, and Lucy.

“Hey cutie,” Kevin said to me, “looks like Alex is getting a little boring, right baby? Maybe you’d like to hang with a guy like me.”

“Shut up Kevin” Alex growled.

“Hey,” Kevin started putting up his arms in a defensive gesture, “Lucy wanted me to come and tell you that Jake has a party up at his place tonight, if you’d like to come that is.”

“No, tonight me and Alice are hanging out for awhile,” Alex stated, “give him my condolences.”

“Whatever, douche.” He turned to Sarah and Lucy “Come on Babe.”

They left leaving me and Alex in a peaceful silence. We silently started to pick our way through the field towards town. That was before I slipped on something. I tumbled down the hill a bit but Alex came and caught me. We both sat there for a moment and as if programmed to do so we began to run towards the thing that made me trip.

It seemed old and it looked to be written in some Arabic writing. But if you flip through a few pages it seems to be written by another person and in English. With that I felt someone hit me in the back of my head with a blunt object. The world around me turned into a hazy faze and soon to total blackness. I felt like I would never wake again.

When I awoke I was in a damp and moldy room with 6 doors. Each door was decorated a different style of wood with engravings all over. One of them caught my eye, He is the creator, and he won’t ever let you leave. It all freaked me out to much. I looked around I needed Alex.

He was in the corner just waking up with a nasty bump on his head. He put up a fight so his lip was cut and he had a black eye. He got up and embraced me with one of his bear hugs, comforting me. We both wondered what we would do.

“Ahem, lady and gentleman,” The voice snickered a little bit, “this is my Maze of Insanity. Everything and everyone will be taken away if you can’t watch them every minute of your miserable time here. The rules are very simple. Number one no one leaves, unless you guess the right door. Number two once here you’re under my command.”

            “Let’s begin. Please choose your door…”


The Creator POV

They all looked so helpless. It wasn’t right but in the name of science we had to do this.

“Doctor, must we do this to our own kind. They are all so scared and think it is all over” asked one of my most naive interns.

“No, but we have to. They all have a rare form of poison. They can only see each other now, but if they come in contact with someone else this could become an epidemic, you know we would all die if they stayed with us…”


Alice’s POV

            We both picked the correct door and now we are running full force into town. We were safe now and had each other. But the town was silent. We walked around looking for someone or something, some sort of life besides ourselves. It was hopeless we were all alone in a cold little town.

            We decided it would be best to get some sleep and figure something out in the morning.

Alex’s POV

            She was so scared. Didn’t know what was going on but I was glad I was here with her. We both went back to her house which was still fully furnished and we both fell asleep in her bed.



Alex and Alice both read the book and put the mysterious woman to rest by having a funeral with the book. Both of the children were cured of their poison 9 months later with the help of the Creator. Today both have a loving family together………in the maze.

**Author's Note: Hey guys, so this book is going to be a bunch of short creepy stories each chapter. If you would like your story in this amature or not send me a message. I'll give you my email and you can send the story there. I'll dedicate that chapter to you and inform people that you wrote it. Thanks hope you all like this!!!! :) **

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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