Chapter 29

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Jin was standing besides NanJoon's bed where along with Elle's helo, the had managed to carry him there and lay him down. The exhaustion was evident on his face as he slept, looking paler than he should be.

"Don't let him wake up. He needs to rest no matter what." He looked at her as he left those words, in an ordering tone that made Elle lower her head before giving him a positive response.

"In any way possible. Do you understand?" Jin added now having turned his body towards her, his hand reaching for the inner part of his pocket and getting out of it a tablet of pilled which he extended towards her and she hesitated to take it for a moment but ended up doing so either way.

The way she avoided his eyes and glanced at the pills he gave her, had Jin wonder about her thoughts for a moment, enough to find the need to clarify and reassure her that he had no bad intentions towards Namjoon, even though such a thing should not even be questioned as he was his brother and who would care for him more than he?

"They are sleeping pills. They won't do him any harm. Just don't overdo it with them. Try giving him one at two days without his notice." Elle looked him in the eyes, realizing what he was asking of her and the risk that such an action held for her because if Namjoon was to find out she knew well that he was gonna blame her and only her. However, looking at his condition tonight, she understood that this could not go on forever. Willingly or not he had to sleep more often and if that meant that they had to do this behind his back, then she was willing to leap of faith.

"I will do so Sir. Have no worries." She reassured Jin as she proceeded to secure the pills at the pocket of her skirt and Jin couldn't help but feel thankful towards her as well as a bit bitter by the fact that she was gonna leave her post pretty soon.

"I am really sorry to be leaving you this responsibility. I will return the sooner I can." He gave her a small smile and proceeded to walk outside, leaving Elle standing there by the corner of NamJoon's bed, soon feeling the silence of the room, sinking under her skin.

She exhaled a shaky breath as she straightened her posture, gathering her emotions and placing them the farther away she could, inside her. In a place where no one could see them even if they were to try to look for them because such emotions were not accepting of her to have. Such weakness was not something she would ever allow herself to show.

---Change of set---

You had managed to find Jaehyun and asked him to give you some time because you wanted to have a conversation with him and he had looked perplexed over your approach and request at first but had proceeded to escort you outside of the event at the end of a corridor in which there existed a huge window that enabled whoever was to stand there to take a look at the city that laid outside. A view that would have been serene and beautiful if you were to have been paying attention to it, instead of facing him with the most serious expression your face had ever taken.

"Is something wrong? You look like you are about to kill me?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side, wondering inside him, what had gone wrong with you.

"I guess something is wrong after all. And that something is your actions." You uttered confidently, having gathered the courage inside to display your current feelings without thinking about anything else.

"Did I offend you in any way? I am sorry if I did but-"

"Why did Daniel stole my notebook?" You cut his words, seeing visibly how his eyes widened at your statement. A statement which he was not prepared to hear coming out of your lips.

"Don't try to say that you have no idea what I am talking about cause I know that you met up with him and he probably gave you a copy of it." You went on, cornering him the best you could as you wanted him to say the truth to a bigger question that was eating your mind that moment.

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