Salem Witch Trails Chapter 16

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John and Sophia woke early before the sun was up in the sky and when the morning was quite. Sophia had been take aback by Johns kindness, the night before. She knew that he was a good person but still could not tell him anything. The night before had been much to close in her opinion and felt the need to space herself from John. Maybe this way she will not say anything that she shouldn't. She knew that Samuel was lurking in the shadows somewhere close, so she kept on thinking of how there was no second chances. No second changes...


Her head snapped up in surprise, she had been lost in her thoughts. "Uh, yes."

"Would you go get some more water before we leave. I would like to clean up a little."

"Of course," and with that picked up the bucket and made her way to the stream where she had seen Samuel the night before.

She quickly got the water and went back to camp but before she got there she saw Johns shirt lying on a branch. She walked over and saw John standing back to her half naked. Blushing slightly she set the bucket down and turned around planning on walking away before he saw her. But before she could John turned around to look at her. 

"Sorry, I'll just leave," said Sophia still  embarrassed

"Its fine, you can stay I just wanted to clean off my arms."

"Alright," said Sophia as she slowly sat down against the tree trunk secretly watching John as he cleaned himself. When he was done he set down the bucket and turned to face Sophia.

 "Would you like to wash up?"

"No thank you I am not very dirty." A uncomfortable silence rose between them and lasted a few minutes. Suddenly John made his way to Sophia before he knelled down and kissed her flat out on the lips. At first Sophia was shocked but after a few second she kissed him back. A moan left Sophia’s lips and didn't realize it until it was out. After a few minutes they pulled away panting for breath.

"What was that for?" Asked Sophia, still shocked but pleased that John had kissed her.

"I like you Sophia. I like you a lot." 

Little flips were jumping around in her stomach and she was to surprised at Johns declaration of love to her. But once the giddiness was gone it was replaced with guilt. She was lying to him, and was about to betray him. She was about to give him up to the worst person imaginable and let him kill John. But even if he did like her it did not change a thing. She could not fall for him. Her life depended on it, although it was getting harder and harder to follow that guide line when her and John were getting closer.

Without any warning Sophia got up and ran. She ran away from John as if she could run away from her problems as well. But as much as she ran she could not get ride of her problems. They were just to big. Suddenly someone grabbed her and pulled her to a stop. Before she could react a knife was at her neck.

"What was that?" A evil voice hissed. Sophia tried to build up the air to scream but before she could a hand was clamped over her mouth for the second time in the last couple days.

"You heard me what was that. You kissed him, why did you kiss him?"

" I don’t know."

"You like him don’t you?"

"I do not. I mean I cant."

"And why cant you?'

"Because I must follow your orders."

"Exactly. So can you please explain to me why you kissed him back." 

Sophia couldn't form the words to tell him. She didn't know herself. Did she like John? It was a possibility. But she couldn't let Samuel know that. She had to keep herself safe and for now John as well.

"I told you before I don’t know."

"Well until you do know I will assume that you do."

"But you don’t know that..."

"And neither do you. Now until you prove to me that you do not like him I will be keeping a close eye on you."

"And how do I prove to you that I don’t?"

"That’s up to you," with that he left. Walking back to camp she thought about how she could show that she didn't like him. But it was not like she could keep out her feelings! 

"Why did you run."

"I'm sorry, I was just shocked."

"Oh," was all he said.

" I really am sorry though, I shouldn't have run, I should have stayed and explained things but I was caught off guar-"

Before she could respond John was kissing her again.  This time more forceful than the first time. After a minute Sophia got her thoughts straight and realized that if she kissed him back it would show Samuel that she did like him. So she stood still until he was done.

"Are you finished now?"

"Sorry. So do you like me now."

Swallowing the words she wished to say and her true feelings she responded with more force than necessary hoping to give Samuel a good show. "No I do not..."

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