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                 A soft click could be heard as he worked, his arms and shirt covered in different oils and colors, his project he had been working on all week sat before him on his desk. Barely finished, but he was not motivated to work on it. "Daddy?" A little girl, around 6, shuffled in. "Hello dear, daddy is busy but I might be able to help you, what do you need?" He wiped his hands on his lab coat and turned to face the girl. She slid her backpack from her shoulders and dropped it to the ground.                      "Well, today in class, the teacher had us study some spelling words, and we had to tell about it in our own words with a story." He cleared his chair, removing his coat and laying it over the top. Picking the girl up he sat her in his lap. "Is this so? Well what do you need help with then?" A soft laugh left his chapped lips, he would need to get a drink after this.  "Uh, when I was working on my story I saw a funny looking word, I wanted to ask you what it meant, I really like how it was spelt." She smiled.    

              "Alright, what's the word? "The little girl thought for a moment. "Relish? No, uh Mality? Remality?? I don't remember the pronoun- nouce- satting?" The older man chuckled. "It's pronunciation my dear. And do you mean reality?" The little girl gasped, "Yes! That's it Remality, I was right!" The man shook his head.   "Anyways, daddy, I liked it so much I wanted to use it for my story. It's such a pretty word and I really want to improse my teacher"      "Impress, you mean? And reality is a special word my dear. For it's one of our many meanings of life, it's a very important thing for our existence." The man explained. "Really? But isn't it just a word? How does a word explain our life?" The girl tilted her head.  "Well, you see reality is what you make it to be, you are allowed to dream however you like. It may not be real to others. As long as it felt real to you, it was." He sighed and leaned back in his chair, it creaked under the weight.    

           "In truth, reality is just like time, temporary, made up by humanity to explain someone's act or behavior. Though, no one will ever know what reality really is." The girl gasped, "Reality sounds very pretty, so it's just a word that means we can dream any way we want, and it doesn't matter what other people will say because it's ours?" The man raised his eyebrows. "How old are you really? 10? 14? Because there's no way your 7, and this smart!" he teased.           "Daddy! That's mean" She giggled. "I'm kidding, of course your smart, you got your daddy's brains and good looks." She grinned, "Huh- uh, I'm pretty because mommy made me that way!" He gasped. "Oh really? Well I'll let my friend the Tickle Monster know.  " The girl gasped, "No! You are lying. You are not friends with the Tickle monster!" He grinned, "Oh? Want to see my proof?" She squealed and jumped out of his lap, "I'm gonna go tell mommy, she will save me from the Tickle Monster!" He laughed.           As the door was closed once again his focus went back to his project. He finally had the motivation and the idea how to improvise it. This will make a big hit for his job, and will help him and his little family.

////// Lol enjoy the first of many cringe, short stories made by me.

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