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Seto sat behind his desk on a swivel chair. He twirled the pencil in his hand and looked at his note book. 

The twenty-two year old had been writing this little story about a sorcerer for about a year now. He has these dreams ever night about him as a sorcerer and his adventures.

Sure, this is a cool dream and all, but it happens every night, with a slight variation. Each dream he would wake up and do something as a sorcerer, as if he was living out life. Honestly, Seto had begun to believe that those dreams were days from a past life of his.

But that was unlikely.

Anyway, he had started to write these dreams down in a story book manner, with chapters and all. He would work on it when there were no costumers in the store, and it was actually a lot of fun. 

In his dreams, he had just gotten captured by some spiky hair blonde. Despite wanting to hate the guy, Seto felt a connection with him. Seto had no idea why though.

Seto recalled what had happened next in his dream and continued to write the chapter. One dream, one chapter.

He spun in his chair as he worked. Man, this chair was a great use of twenty ingots. The pencil glided easily across the paper as he worked, words filling the paper.

A chime rung through the bookstore, causing Seto to look up from his notebook.

"Hello and welcome to Enchanted Reads," Seto greated, repeating what he said to each costumer. Seto smiled, recognizing the costumer. "Oh hey Adam, hey Alesa." 

"Seto! My man!" Adam said coming over to the counter. "What's up?"

Alesa followed behind Adam, mess with her red hair.

"Not much dude, not much. Oh!" Seto's brown eyes lit up in excitement as he spun around, looking over at a pile of books. "I ordered that book you wanted." Seto picked through the pile of books and selected one from the selection.

He spun back around and scanned it. "That's gonna be twenty ingots."

Adam pulled out a twenty golden ingots from his pocket and handed them to Seto, taking the book. 

"Thanks, I had just finished the book before this one and couldn't wait to get started on this one," Adam said, hazel eyes scanning the book. 

Alesa peeked over his shoulder and stared at the book. "What's it about?"

Adam explained to his fiance what the book was about. He did a terrible job, which amused Seto very much.

The two started to leave, waving goodbye to Seto. The store owner waved back.

Soon they had vanished from sight and Seto opened his notebook again. He wrote about the mysterious blonde and how he had been captured. Every once and a while Seto had to push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, but besides that, he wrote undisturbed for an hour or so.

The sun began to set as Seto reached the end of the chapter. He closed the book up and put it in his purple satchel.

Not purse.


He got up from his swivel chair and adjusted the white headband on his forehead. Then he took out a ring of key and locked up shop.


Okay so the book Seto has on the cover

It has some Standard Galactic word on it right?

It says "Brice?" 


Paint and Books (SetoSolace) Sequel to And The Drums Rolled OnWhere stories live. Discover now