Master And Doll

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Victor walks Trevor out of their bedroom with three fingers tucked inside Trevor's hole, thumb pressing tightly on the rim of Trevor's entrance, lube dripping out between his fingers and slicking up Trevor's thighs as they walk. "What do you want for breakfast, Vic?" Trevor asks shakily when they reach the kitchen, small tremors in his knees from the press against his prostate. "Pancakes or eggs?"

"Pancakes," Victor says, pulling his hand away from Trevor as they part ways beside the fridge, Trevor making his way to the stove and Victor into the lounge to send out the email to their friends.

At least twice a month, Victor and Trevor have a designated 'Play Day', and Victor notifies the rest of their friends that unless they want to join in – which they are perfectly welcome to do, and some have done in the past, mainly Belch because he likes to make Trevor squirm – they should probably steer clear of the Spengler-Criss household. He hums to himself as he sends it away, standing from the computer desk and heading back into the kitchen, welcomed in by the smell of pancakes and the sight of Trevor's wiggling ass under his stretched black shirt, the trials of lube shining in the fluorescent lights.

Victor had woken Trevor up that morning by fingering him open quite roughly, Trevor whimpering happily into Victor's neck, before Victor had pushed the nozzle of the lube into his ass and squeezed the cold gel directly inside him, so Victor decides to give Trevor a short break while they ate before he starts really playing with Trevor. "These are great, thank you Trev," he says around a mouthful as they're eating.

Laughing, Trevor grins. "Thanks, Vic." He's shifting around in his chair, his bare ass slippery on the wooden seat.

Their play is simple: Victor is the master, and Trevor is his doll. The days aren't scripted, or even planned out too thoroughly in advance, but their agreement is that Trevor will willingly submit to whatever Victor wants without fail during the day unless he safewords out of it. Victor gets off on the control, Trevor on the humiliation, and the out-of-this-world sensations Victor manages to drag out of his body.

As Trevor cleans their plates away, Victor steps up behind him and slides his fingers back inside Trevor's warm body, his other hand curling around Trevor's narrow hip as he swirls the lube around and scissors his fingers, feeling the pliant stretch of Trevor's hole as Trevor keens, clutching at the counter and rutting his hips against it. The hem of Trevor's shirt brushes his cock, teasing him up into hardness as Victor wiggles four fingers into him.

"Come into the lounge, doll," Victor whispers. "I want to watch the morning news." He crooks his fingers upwards, tugging at Trevor from the inside, and starts to walk away. The plates clatter in the sink as Trevor has no choice but to follow, biting at his thumb to keep his noises in. "Hey, stop that," Victor chastises when they reach the couch, smacking Trevor's hand away from his mouth. He sits down on the couch and takes Trevor's hands in his own, pulling Trevor to kneel over his lap, the wet head of Trevor's cock brushing Victor's night shirt. "Take a seat, baby," Victor purrs as Trevor's arm loop around his neck, Victor holding his dick still for Trevor to slide down on, his heels pressed into Victor's knees. Lips meeting in a bruising kiss, Victor reaches for the remote, turning the television on without looking.

Trevor pants, tilting his head curiously when Victor's hand settles on his chest and starts pushing backwards. "What's the matter?" he asks. "Did I do something wrong?"

"You're in the way," Victor says dismissively, still pushing at Trevor's chest. "I can't see the TV."

"Oh," Trevor murmurs, a little disappointed, starting to climb off Victor. Hands clamp down on his hips, forcing him back onto Victor's cock. "What's the big idea, Vic? Either I'm in your lap and in the way, or I'm not." Victor stares at Trevor with a quirked eyebrow. "Unless I'm... in your lap and not in the way?" He's confused.

Victor Criss x Trevor Spengler | DollWhere stories live. Discover now