First Day Of School

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Bleep ! Bleep ! My alarm goes off
It's 8:00 am
I rushed Quickly into the bathroom and began to brush my teeth
" Londen ! Breakfast is ready"
That was My mom the most annoying women ever
But I still love her
" I'll be down in a few " I yelled
I looked in the mirror as I spotted a pimple in the middle of my forhead
" No No No ! "
I began to apply a facial cream onto my pimple then went downstairs
To my family
" Mom ! Where's My Bacon ? "
I began to look over at my annoying brother Lyshon eating my bacon
" What are You Doing!? " I asked
" What Does it Look Like I'm Doing "
At That very moment I Want to give him a big slap to the face but I
Know he just does this to piss me off
" Give me My Bacon Now ! "
" Guys ! Cut It Out , It's Too Early For This " Mom Said
" Woah! You have A Really huge Pimple On Your Face " Lyshon said
" Don't You Think I know that Smarty " I said Folding my hands
As I look over at the clock it had been 8:15
I quickly rushed upstairs and got in the shower and rinsed off the facial cream
I put on my pimple and got out
I began To get Dressed For My First Day At Amorē High
Then I put my hair in a high ponytails and applied makeup to my pimple
I unplugged my phone from the charger and grabbed my bookbag and headed out the door
" Bye Mom " I said in a hurry
" Bye Sweetie have a nice -"
I had shut the door and headed in the school bus
Everyone was staring at me as I entered
I bowed my head down and took the last Empty seat available
Next to a Fat blonde girl with red lipstick and a dress
" Hi My Name Is Emily " She Said
Her breath smelled like she had eaten rotten eggs and tuna fish
" I'm Londen P." I replied trying to fake a smile
" Nice To Meet you , So Do You Go To Amorē High ?" she replied
I obviously do if I'm on the bus going there I said I'm my head
" Yeah, I'm New To This School " I Said
"Ohh So Your A New Student " She began to Take out a tuna fish sandwich
" You Want A Piece? " She asked Handing it over to me
I Began to throw up In My mouth The Smell Is horrible
" Nah , I'll Pass" I said Pushing It away
The Bus Began To Pull Up In Front Of the school
"We're Here Loren " she said excitingly
" Yeah I Know , And it's Londen By The Way" I said
I couldn't wait to get off the bus to get far away from Her
As The bus driver Parked And the bus opened
everyone began to run off the bus
Emily's Bag Got stuck To The Seat Belt Buckle
" Wait for Me Londen My Bag is stuck " She yelled
I began to walk off the bus as if I didn't hear her calling me
The bus diver closed the door after me and began to drive off
I look back at the bus And Seen Emily Banging on The Window Screaming "Help !"
I stood there and waved with a smile on my face
As I turned Around I bumped into A Girl with a cheer leading outfit
" Watch where your going Dork " she said
Her friends Began To laugh
" I'm Sorry " I said Sarcastically
" Who Are You Anyways ?" She said Rudely
" Londen , I'm new to this school " I replied in the same tone
She didn't scare me at all as much as she was trying
" Well, Londen I'm Claire Amorē My Mother is the principal of this school"
" Oh, Thats Nice" I said pretending I cared
" So Therefore You'll have to -"
I began walking away I honestly didn't care about anything she had to tell me
As I enter the school i looked at my schedule and entered my first class and sat down
" Hello Everyone , My Name Is Ms. Madison Your math teacher " she said .
She began to write equations on the board and started explaining it and made us work
Independently for the whole period I was very focused
After 50 minutes was up the period ended and I handed in my work
The bell rang and I walked toward my locker
It was locker 265
I took my books out of my bookbag and put it in my locker and
Installed a mirror as I closed my locker
I saw Claire and her crew walk toward me and I began to walk away
" Hey! Londen , Where Yor Rushing To? " she yelled as she seen me walk away
I began to enter my new class which was science and we had a male teacher named
Mr.Rodriguez I sat down and took my seat and Claire walked into the class
And He assigned partners and made me and Claire work together
She Began To Walk Over to sit next to me with a smirk on her face
He Was Making Us dissect frogs which was pretty gross
But I was down for it anyways just not while working with her
Mr.Rodriguez began to give everyone frogs and made one partner dissect and one take notes
" I'll dissect " Claire said raising her hand
" I Guess I'm The Writer " I said calmly
She began to open up the frog
My pencil dropped on the floor as I began to write and I blended over to pick it up
And Claire put the frog down my pants
" AHHHHHHHH!!" I yelled
"What Happened ?!?" Asked Mr.Rodriguez
" She put the frog down my pants " I said impatiently
The whole class burst in laughter and I was embarrassed
" Claire Report To the Deans Office Immediately !" He said angrily
I ran out the class and rushed to the bathroom and called my mom and cried
In the stall and told her to pick me up
30 mintes later she arrived at my school and picked me up and drove me home
" Londen , Sweetie I Know You Had A Bad Day Honey But Stop Crying " She said As we Arrived at The House
I completely ignored her and kept crying And went upstairs to my room and cried my self to sleep
And That Was Just The Beginning

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