Chapter 1

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The year is 2025 and the world has constantly face threats from Dream Eaters, an organization was built because of that. The organization is called Dreamers, an organization built to combat against Dream Eaters and the Terrorist group called Enigma, a group of people that manifested their abilities from Nightmares. Power born from their Nightmares and weaponized for Terrorist act.

Yasuhito Seiji was on his way to school when he saw a blog post that contains that information about Dreamers and Enigma.

"Hey! Yasuhito, wait up!"

Seiji was so fixated on his screen that he didn't hear his name getting called out. The person who called him finally catches up and touch him on his shoulder.

"Oi! Didn't you hear me? I said wait up."

Seiji was startled as he looks up to see his  classmate, Tomo.

"Oh. Im sorry i didn't hear you. "
He said as he looks back at his screen. His classmate Tomo looks at Seiji's phone screen.

"What are you reading?"
"O-oh.. Its about Dreamers and the terrorist group called Enigma." Seiji responded
"Heh... What... Are you actually interested in becoming a Dreamer? " Teasing Seiji as he nudge him.
"W-what no... Of course not.. How can i even be suitable as a Dreamer." As he looks down.
"Well keep dreaming i guess haha!" Said Tomo as he slaps Seiji's back lightly.

They reached school and they enter their class, Seiji walks to his seat at the back of the classroom and the bell rung. They begun school activities.

The clock is showing 6:45pm as the bell rung notifying that school has ended. Seiji packs up his bag and immediately walk out of class. Seiji saw Tomo waving at him at the school gate waiting for him to walk home together.

"Phew.. School finally ends huh, talk about a boring day filled with boring subjects." As he puts his hands behind his head.
"Haha... Yeah.. "
"Whats up?"
"Its nothing. Well i gotta go through this way, see you tomorrow Tomo."

Seiji waves at Tomo as he walk his seperate road.

"I should call home and ask if i need to buy groceries for dinner. " As he pulled out his phone.

Ring~ ring~ tut•

The phone wasn't answered.

"Huh? Thats weird usually mom picks it up, is she not home?"

He calls again but didn't get a answer.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Seiji begans to worry as he speeds up home.

He got home and he opened the door.

"Mom.. Im home!"

But to no answer.

"Mom? You there?"

He asked again but to no answer, he searched the house and found no one. He began to worry but he kept thinking optimistically.

"Maybe she's getting groceries."

Seiji waited for 1 hour... 2 hours... The clock showing 8 o'clock with no sign of his mom coming home. He quickly goes outside in search for his mom. He goes to the grocery store, the walkway that is always taken by his mom, and even her mom's favorite drinking place but to no avail. Seiji starting to panicked and was about to go to the Police station until he saw someone sitting in the local playground's bench resembling his mom with groceries bag on the ground.

Seiji was relieved that he found his mom.

"Oh thank God, i found you."

As he walks towards his mom.

"Dont you know how worry i was, lets go home."

He looked at his mom and he starts to have a disturbing feel in his heart.


And in that instance, a entity starts to form. A Dream Eater! Has manifested from his mom. To his surprise a horrifying big dark entity was in front of him instead of his mom.

"W-w-what... H-how can this be!? "

As he falls to the ground trying to collect himself and pushing himself away from the Dream Eater.

"Mom didn't show any signs of developing a Eternal Sleep!"

Seiji's face turns into pure fear. The Dream Eater in front of him smiled menacingly as he slowly gets closer to Seiji toying with him.

*Dream Eaters feeds off of the fear of its victim, and turns it into power*

"Stop! Dont come any closer!"

Seiji kept trying to push himself away but he was grabbed by the neck and lift up. Seiji tried to struggle but to no avail. The Dream Eaters pulls out its sting like tail as it began to be ready to kill its first victim.

Seiji thinks to himself.

"I-is this it.. Will this be the end of my life? I.. I.. I didn't even get to make my mom proud.. "

As he closed his eyes.. Ready to give it all up. But he opens his eyes looking up to the Dream Eater and with the coldest stares, he smiled.

Gush! Splat!

Seiji was punctured by the sting like tail of the Dream Eater. Blood begins to flow out of the huge hole as his lifeless body was dropped onto the ground.

. . . . .

End of Chapter.

Words of the Author:
Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first ever web novel called Dreamers, i hope you look forward to the story and enjoy the my work. Thanks!

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