Love comes in many forms

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"It's another day in the TARDIS with the doctor I wonder where he's gonna take me this time" wondered the blonde maned Pegasus as she wandered into the large console room. "Ah good morning Derpy my lovely companion did u sleep well" asked a brown coated stallion with an hourglass cutie mark and baby blue eyes. "H-Hello Doctor I slept fine thank you" said Derpy as she blushed a Crimson red "why do I always act like this I mean he just gave me a complement" wondered Derpy as she stared intently at the Doctor. "Umm Derpy are u alright there u look funny" asked the Doctor unaware that he was the cause. "N-Nothing!! Doctor I'm fine just a little surprised by what u said l" answered Derpy nervously. "What do u mean is it wrong of me to say good morning to my lovely companion" asked the Doctor cluelessly. "N-No that's fine it's just I don't understand why you call me lovely Doctor is there a reason??" Asked Derpy nervously. The Doctor blushes "N-No i mean not in particular I just think your a lovely mare that's all" the Doctor answers nervously. Derpy blushes more "Thank you Doctor but I'm not all the pretty" Derpy says looking down embarrassed. The Doctor now as embarrassed as Derpy says "Well then shall we be off then I mean I haven't even taken you to Barcelona it's a lovely planet that has dogs with no noses haha!!". Derpy blushes a bit "O-Ok doctor lets get going" as the doctor begins to set the the TARDIS to go Derpy admirers him and looks into his beautiful yet somehow lonely looking eyes "I wonder if he will ever understand how I really feel about him" Derpy wonders.

Authors note: I hope u enjoy the first chapter it's my first fanficton so please be kind in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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