Just to clear up who I *might be

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Hi, names ZĒ Awesome Prussia!
So vhatever you think of meh probably isn't true. *unless your a close friend.
Vhenever I try to write something good mostly its just plain Cr*p. Sorry:-)
So I live vith zhis Douche Germany and drink beer all day. nah, I just sit down and watch youtube.
As most of you can tell I am AWESOME!!!!
Ai-Chan: oh shut up.
Prussia: BE QUIET!!!
Anyway I've had many awesome adventures and making people jealous with ma mad brooming skills.
I have no clue how old i am, and that for gods sake, (I am already one with Mother Russia ok?)
Im talking to you Russia...
This information should be enough to know who I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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