Oblong Box
©12-20-2012, Olan L. Smith
Time to pack Wyatt's memories away, stow them tightly
For tomorrow's tumultuous waves may choose him purposely,
To be carried away, tossing your artist friend to and fro―
His oblong box causes him to care too much for its contents. Poe,
Why feign his lover lives? An offbeat servant poses politely
For her stead, a storm brews; art in the box, a plot ferments?
Come on offer me apology, boats for flotsam, ignorance
Restores a snoopy friend's foolishness your story ends horridly.
A/N Oblong Box is an parody poem with an a,a,b,b,a,c,c,a rhyme scheme.
Oblong Box
PoetryOblong Box is an parody poem of Poe's short story, "The Oblong Box" with a rhyme scheme of a,a,b,b,a,c,c,a.