same old same old

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Having the Styles’ approval was a boost to my confidence and Harry seemed to love the fact that his family liked me. Being such a loving and caring family also helped me understand their bond and how they were there for one another.Things were finally beginning to show some perspective I guess… there was a silver lining after all…

Harry and I were great again. The storm ceased for a while and everything seemed to be back to normal. He would visit the baby at the clinic and come back with a million photos to show us and I would spend the day at uni preparing for the new semester with Rose. Harry’s family would come over whenever they would visit the baby to see us and Harry and I would have the afternoons together talking, hanging out doing what normal couples do. I cherished our time together; I loved the attention I was giving and receiving, I craved his kisses, his touch…his love. I felt like I was the luckiest person alive…like there couldn’t be anyone else in the world who could even remotely feel the same way I did, but then again I was just a stupid girl of nineteen years of age.

Harry’s days off came to end and he had to go back to work. The almost honeymoon days were over. It was not just him anymore. He had to provide for the little one, too. I knew that against his will his father had paid all the clinic bills and he didn’t have to worry about that but the divorce procedure was a costly one and lawyers were known to drag situations like this for a long time so the cost would increase. He had his plate full with these circumstances and I would be there for him to support him as he needed me to do so.

Leaving the apartment and heading back to our home town left a bitter aftertaste for the both of us. Even Rose felt bad when Harry gathered his stuff in his handbag leaving just a few behind for an emergency.

“You kinda grew on me. ” she told him in a sad tone.

We agreed that he would come every other day to see the baby and I and he would spend the weekends here or I would visit him whenever I could. That was as good as it could get I suppose.

On his last day he became a bit anxious before he went to the clinic and I could understand why. This would be the last time he would be able to see his son in a controlled environment with nurses and doctors around. The baby would go to Nadia’s parents’ home the next day and he would have to go there to see him from then on. That would be very stressful for him for sure. According to Lucy they would always say hateful things to him whenever he was there and they would imply that he was unfit to be a father or that he didn’t care what happened to the baby regardless of the fact that he was there daily to see him. He bought all the baby’s furniture and stuff needed and had them delivered at their place, his father paid for the clinic bills, what else could he possibly do to show them that he cared? There was one thing he could do to ease things: break up with me and he wouldn’t have it.

“Come with me to the clinic, baby” he whispered in my ear while we were cuddling in bed.

“Are you out of your mind? I am doing no such thing. As much as I would love to see your son I don’t want to stir trouble, nor do I think it is appropriate to disturb a girl who has just given birth. It would be inconsiderate and insensitive” I said meaning every word.

“I know…it’s just that my parents aren’t coming today and I feel awkward going there alone” he confessed.

“Why aren’t your parents coming?” I was worried because George had called me the previous day thanking me for supporting Harry on this and he hadn’t mentioned that they weren’t coming.

“Something my dad has to take care of, I don’t know” he said.

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll drive you there and wait in the parking lot in the car, OK?”

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