Leo's POV

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'Bex we need to go' Kol says. He knocks on the door and walks in while i am in the shower. 'GET OUT KOL' i scream. 'KOL MIKAELSON' screams Rebekah. She pushes him to the floor. 'I taught you were in there Bekah sorry' Kol says. Rebekah snaps his neck. 'Are you okay love' she asks. I nod as i get out of the shower. 'So what is theu soft spot Leo?' Elijah asks. 'Well, Draco's soft spot is Cam's and Cam's soft spot is Draco. 'Kylie's soft spot is Fred,  and Fred's soft spot is Kylie.' i walk out of the room and i see Stefan with a vervein gun, 'Sorry Leo' he shot me with the vervein gun and i fainted.  I woke up in the celler. 'HELLO?! DAMON?! STEFAN?!' I screamed. Lexi came downstairs with George. 'Really Lexi?! You're bringing my ex?' I loom at George 'This is a waste of time.' George gives me a flower. 'Here' he says. i look at him and when im almost grabbing the flower i say, 'I am not stupid. Thats vervein. Did Donnaven gave that to yall?' George rolls his eyes. 'How can you and Maartje leave ut friendgroup after everything weve been trough' I look at him 'Well Weasley it was getting old pretending to be a teenager' I hear Maartje saying from out of the corner. 'YOU LIED TO ME' He screams. 'So what? I only know you a few years. I know Rebekah for 200 YEARS GEORGE SO FUCK OFF' 
I scream. 'well Leo, then we have to do this the hard way' Lexi says, she gives me a bloodbag so i drink it. Then i feel a burning feeling in my troat. I spit out the blood. 'VERVEIN' George and Lexi walk away.

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