He Hurts You And You Forgive Him

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LIAM: You and your boyfriend Liam were sitting on the sofa in the flat you two shared. You watched as Liam was surfing through the channels. "Oohh Li Li please ppppplllllleeeeeaaaasssseeeeeee can we watch that?" You were pointing to the T.V screen it was the fashion channel. "No I don't want to (Y/N)." liam replied back. "Liam but can we pretty please with a cherry on top?" This sent Liam right over the edge. "NO! WE ARE NOT GOING TO WATCH ALL THAT CRAP! I'M A DUDE IN CASE YOU HAVE NOT NOTICED!" When he did that he was flinging his arms around all crazy when the hand he had the remote in wacked you right in the forehead. "OW!" you screamed. "Li? w...w....why did you do that?" Your head hurt so much."Oh (Y/N) please forgive me. I did not mean to do anything like that to you." "Okay Liam I forgive you, but please promise you will never hurt me again."  "I promise."

LOUIS: You and your boyfriend Louis were out shopping for TOMS shoes. You wandered off from where louis was. "Hey (Y/N)?" you heard Louis call. "Yea babe? I'm over here." Lou found a pair of TOMS that he described as "PERFECT".  You guys walked over to the checkout desk. Louis was getting out his wallet. "Oh Louis, look at these earings!" you say. "Yea (Y/N) they are kinda cute." "Kinda? They are adorable!" You asked the clerk how much they were. She had replied saying "$7:99."  "Louis can you please buy them? I love them so much please please please please!" You sounded like a little kid but you did not care. You just kept on going on and on and on.Finally Louis decided to shut you up. He gave you a hard stomp on the foot. He forgot that he was wearing some TOMS and you were only wearing sandals. You were completely shocked you ran out the door. You were rubbing your purple/black toe. "Oh (Y/N) I am so sorry babe, did I break it?"  You nod your head. After that you forgave Louis and he took you to the hospital.

NIALL: He slammed the door behind him when you two walked into your flat. "How dare you do that Niall." you say. "In front of my parents too. How can I ever trust you?" Earlier that night Niall had just meet your parents and you all decided to go out to dinner. Well a little after 9:00 Niall thought it would be good to order beer.Well that was fine with your parents. But when he has four he is uncontrolable. He started swearing up a storm. You then had enough so you said goodbye to you mum and dad and drove Niall to your flat. "Oh shut up (Y/N)." niall said, still drunk. "No! Do not tell me what to do! You are not the boss of me!" you screamed. "Oh really? You better shut up or I will make you shut up!" niall screamed back. "Yea right Horan you don't scare me." Niall obviously had enough and he whipped his hand on your face just hitting your nose. "OW!" You dropped to your knees. You were getting a nosebleed from his hit. Your blood was staining your white carpet. "Oh princess I'm so sorry please forgive me." You ignored him and ran s to the bathroom. But befor you could make it Niall had grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him. "I love you." he whispered. "I love you too nialler." Then Niall tried to be funny and said "We should probably get you a new carpet."

HARRY: "(Y/N) get back here!" your boyfriend Harry was saying. "Why? why should I? you asked. "Because I'm very sorry babe." what happend earlier that night is when you and harry were at the bar some fans came over to you ( they were over 18/21 of course). Hazza sat down at a table while you were getting your drinks. The fans decided to sit at your table and make themselves at home. When you reached the table you were looking at Harry and coughed sarcastically. Harry just said "go away (Y/N)." But you did'nt want to listen. Then out of nowhere Harry just pushed you. You fell back and hit your head. "(Y/N) i'm so sorry."  You took a major blow to the head. Everything went black. You woke up in yours and harry's bed. It was dark outside. "Harry?" you called out. "I'm right here sweetheart. Please forgive me I am so sorry." You did and then you fell asleep in his arms.

ZAYN: You had promised your boyfriend Zayn that you would get a tattoo for your 19th b-day. Well it was your b-day. He took took you to the nearest tattoo shop in town. "What tattoo you gonna get (Y/N)?" Zayn asked. "I don't know. Something small probably." you replied. "Small? What? No you are not going to get anything small." "Yea Zayn I am. Tis is my fist time. Therefor I will get something small." Zayn grabbed you wrist and took you outside. He gave you a good slap on the back of the head. "You do what I tell you to do (Y/N) ya hear?" "No I don't hear." you replied. " You hit me so hard my hearing is almost gone." Zayn started rapidly apoligizing to you. He let you decide wether or not you wanted a big or small tattoo. You chose a small one that said

 ERES MIA PARA SIEMPRE. Which means You are mine forever in french.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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