fifty shades to love and Grey!!

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I sit in my new school, thoughts rummaging thru my head. All the preps staring and jocks laughing. I really hate moving especially to a new school where i dont know a single person. The class is loud, and the teacher is gone and i really don't wanna be here. Id rather be at home my real home back in Seattle Where everybody was nice and i had millions of friends. I tryed to beg my mom and dad to let me stay with aunt kate but as most parents that love to ruin their kids life said "no. The teacher walks in introducing her self as miss paige. Shes a small kinda muscler, dark toned skin like she tans ever hour. Strawberry blonde hair hazel eyes. Every Jock stare at her like they've never seen a pretty girl before droll running down their chen. I pick up my book hopeing she dosent notice me. But with my luck she does and ask me to stand. I really don't want to. "huffing" under my breath as i stand. Everybody starring at me like they never seen a new kid before. Im short kinda dark skinned, blonde curly hair and purple eyes. Cause i wear contacts. I stand for what feels like a life time. When the teacher ask me my name n age. I stare up at her blink a couple time and introduce my self. My name is Zoey' Zoey grey. Im 13 I've moved here from Seattle. As i sit down every one is staring at me. As i look around feeling really shy the bell rings. I sgh in relief that i can go home. On my way home not paying any mind to no one but my self. I run into a boy. He's cute and i feel so "Shy" he's about 5'10 dark black hair with cooper tent and hazel eyes and skin as dark as mine. Im dazed and can't take my eyes off of him. Till he tugs on me yelling are you ok miss. I stare at him hearing his polite words his voice is nice sexy mouth watering. I don't really know maybe all three. I shake out of my daze. Oh my im s s sorry. He smiles at me with all white straight teeth. My name is Seth are u ok. Yes im sorry i ran into u im new here and wasn't paying attention. Its ok he says with a smile that makes me melt. Oh excuse me, how rude of me my name is zoey, zeoy grey. He looks at me as if he was in shock. Zoey Grey as in CEO Christian grey and Ana Grey. I look at him confused. Yes that's my parents. How do you know them. Who doesn't know them. You have a older brother right. Yes i do his name is Jr. I met him on the bus this morning. You two are nothing a like. He's very out going and not shy at all. I smile as he brags about my brother. Catching me giggle he stares at me with a wolfish grin What he asked kinda shy. Nothing i say lieing knowing. I wanna just kiss him and be with him. But those words fail me. So Seth how old r u. Im 13 about to be 14 next month. What about you miss Grey. With a Shy giddy smile on my face Im 13 to gonna be 14 next friday. Would you wanna come to my party. Would I he, shouts with excitement. Id love to be there and meet your parents. Well i must head home or my dad will have my head. Can i walk you home miss. I smile at the thought, yes id love for you to walk me home. We arrive at my house, Seth staring. You l l li live here. He asked with big eyes and mouth poped open like hes seen a ghost. Seth, Seth still staring. I yell this time scaring him. Im sorry Zoey. Umm it's ok would you like to meet my parents now? Sure he runs past me like he's meeting a famous singer or something. Seth slow down we have.....and he's already gone and being drug my the arm by Taylor. Ma'am r u ok taylor asked. Yes im fine. This is Seth hes excited about meeting my parents and he ran ahead of me. Taylor a little embarrassed. Sorry son. Seth still in shock and kinda hurt. Umm its ok. We head into the house Jr. walking out Sup Seth. Hey Jr. what's up. Not much bout to play the Xbox. Sweet Seth says' can i play to. Sure but S.....before i get his name out he takes off with my brother. Mom i yell throwing my bag on the floor. She runs out of study freaking out, thinking somethings wrong. Mom mom im ok. Jesus! Zoe, you scared the hell out of me. Im sorry mom. I met a boy. His name is Seth hes really cute and polite and.... Zoe...Zoey grace Grey. I stop blabbling with a sad face like im in trouble. No honey its fine just calm down. Now breath. I heard boy and cute. Sorry mom with blushed cheeks like my mothers do when my dad calls her beautiful or any other lovey name. I met a boy his name is Seth hes really cute, polite, and i like him. He came in with me but went to playing xbox with Jr. Mom and me still talking about Seth. Dad walks in. A boy huh! Dad says with a grin on his face but kinda worried look to. Dad i say with a shy smile and walk out and head to my Room. Im doing my homework when seth walks in my room. I giggle a little with a shy smile and he walks up to me. Your very Pretty Zoey he says with looks of pain but happy to. No im not a say. He looks at me as if im crazy. He leans in nose to nose like mom and dads do. His eyes never leaving mine. I lean in to kiss him, when mom walks in we both back away fast and he stands. Time for dinner honey. You staying to eat seth. As seths about to ansewer mom his cell rings. Excuse me ma'am. As he looks at the caller ID and look scared. Yes Sir, he says. Im at..but i was. No sir' Yes sir but..umm ok sir. Im coming bye. I have to go sorry i couldn't stay for dinner it's ok. Maybe next time can i walk u out. Ummm no. yes sure but i gotta go Zoe. Thanks for having me ma'am. I run after seth dad and Jr staring. Later Jr. i have to go bye. Nice to meet u Sir Grey. I run out side and a truck speeds off and hes fine.

Let me know what u all think and i will keep updating! Thanks

So I said i wasn't writing anymore till i get more comments. But i was figureing maybe if i add more ppl would comment so here goes.

I wake up earlier then usual 4 a.m Feeling kinda sick and icky. I run to the bathroom and throw up my dinner from that Night Steak, taters, and corn. Not something i want coming up all at once. I finally stop and brush my teeth and go lay down, im very sleepy and i try to sleep but Seths convasation with his dad' or who ever it was and the truck speeding off. Got me a little worried, i hope Seths ok. I've only known him for a day but something about him catches my eye and heart like my Mother does my fathers. He tells me the story of first meeting my mother. Makes my bad mood or sad mood go away. So i walk in dads office hoping he's awake, and he is he looks at me a little worried and confused cause im never up so early. I look at my father a little tear in my eye he stand up and is at my side fast' like the time i fell of my bike. What wrong pumpkin dad' says eyes glowing in pain for his little girl. Im worried about Seth dad and the convo with the guy that called him before he stormed out lastnight. Dad looks at me then his face goes blank. I think he's thinking. Then he picks me up sits me on his lap, with a big grin on his face. An i know that look. I shake my head and he smiles. I remember when i first meet your mother' Zoe she was shy, nervous her cheeks blushed; as yours r now poking the tip of my nose and i giggle. You sound just like ur mother when u laugh. Making me blush again. O dad' finish daddy please. Ok always so bossy as he winked at me. She knocked on my door and came in an fell straight on her knees, i rushed to her side to help her she was Gorgeous big blue eyes, perfect body long brown hair and beautiful smile. Her skin was pale and her cheeks plushed as she scrabled around to pick up her stuff. I helped her of course. I love that story daddy, always makes me feel better' Thanks for telling me. I smile a big smile bigger then my face. No problem honey. We sit in dads study until 6 and i go hop in the shower while Mrs Taylor fixs my breakfast. "Pancakes and Bacon" my fave. I get out the shower, walk to my huge closet filled with expensive clothes. Dresses, Jean, shirts, skirts. I tap my foot deciding on what to wear. Grabbing my polo Jeans that cost 2,000 dollars. I think its insane but my fathers Christian Grey. I grab my yellow long sleve polo shirt and white polo vest with a furry hood and i grab my white fur boots that end at my knees. I get dressed pack my bag put my hair up in a bun and run down stairs to eat. Jr. sits beside who u all dressed up for with his teasing grin same as our fathers. I slap him in the arm. Shut up Jr. i could ask you the same. He's dressed in polo jeans hang on his waist like dads, pink polo shirt and a blue long sleve shirt under it. His hair spiked at the front with the copper tent like dad. Be quite Zoe, im old enough to look sharp for someone. We argue till mom walk in. Could you two please stop fighting i have a headache. And if u ask me your both to young ur only 15 Jr. And im sure ur father will agree. We all stare at dad winking at Jr. and mom giving him the you best agree or your on the couch tonight look. Dad coughs your mothers right now off to school kids. We give our kisses and Ryan drives us to school.

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