13 - Aslan?

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Willow crumpled to the floor and sobbed, not even caring to go any deeper into the forest. She was wishing she hadn't been wrong about Caspian, that he had been better than what he was. She wished she could go back to the night they met, and then..

But deep down she knew she wouldn't do it over again. He hurt her, but she still had some sort of feelings for him. She knew she couldn't let it go that easy. But what did she do now?

Her answer came in the form of a soft growl, and she looked up in hope. Her mouth fell open slightly, as she took in the mighty lion that stood before her.

"Aslan." She breathed, and the lion gave a slight nod.

"Willow, of the Forest."

"Why have you come?" She asked, and Aslan smiled.

"Because you need help. And so do they."

"I can't do this, Aslan. I don't know who I am anymore, and I can't help them. I'm sorry."

"Let's take one problem at a time. Why can't you help them?"

"Because-" she faltered, and Aslan sighed sympathetically.

"The Prince, is it?"

She nodded weakly, and he tilted his head at her, beckoning her forward.

"Dear child, you are heartbroken. Anyone can see that. But he is too. No problem can be solved with arguing when talking is still an option." He said, echoing her words from earlier. "But they need you, and I think, deep down, you need them. Him."

She wondered how he could've known that, but he continued. "Now, what was that about not knowing who you are?"

She sighed. "My name is Willow. And I can control the Forest. But that's it. I don't know anything, and I hate not knowing anything."

"What else do you need to know?"

"Where I came from, who I am, what I am?!"

"Willow, I understand why you feel this way. But isn't it better to know who you are now, and who you're going to be, than who you were? Look forward, rather than backwards."

"Aslan, I-"

"You are Willow, no last name needed, because you are powerful enough without one, and because you belong to the Forest. To Narnia. And that is who you are, child."

At Aslan's words, Willow felt the spirits of the woods rise up in her, and a powerful blast of magic shot out of her and lit up the clearing. The trees stretched out, and showers of blossoms fell from the skies.
"Thank you, Aslan!" She cried, and he gave her a nod.

"Goodbye, Willow of the Forest. We will meet again soon."

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